CBN Spotlight ~ Joe Sales Says

It’s time for another CBN Spotlight! This month we are interviewing Joe Sales who blogs at “Joe Sales Says” 

On his blog, Joe gives his thoughts on life, faith, and everything in between. He hopes his blog is a tool to create discussion and be a source of encouragement and inspiration. Joe also writes reviews of products that match his interests. Joe, who resides in Kitchener Ontario, Canada,  is a loving husband to his beautiful wife Janet, and is very loyal to his entire family and faith community. 

Joe and his lovely wife.

Joe is an identical twin with whom he was born two minutes after. Joe and his twin, Tony, were born three months premature. Joe, when born, was 1lbs 15oz and was very ill as a baby and had come very close to death. Years later in 1994, Joe and his twin were honored and proud to add a new sibling, a baby girl named Katie. 

Joe and his siblings

 Besides being a loving husband and family man, Joe loves to work with people who have disabilities and who are homeless. Speaking of working with the homeless, Joe received an award for his work in 2012.  Joe’s work and volunteer experience include organizations that support individuals with disabilities, Catholic school board, retail, and food industry. Joe’s passion for people has been developing for many years.

At the moment, Joe is not currently working but is devoting his time to the new evangelization through means of blogging and speaking. However, he is very determined to find employment. Joe and his wife Janet are looking at relocating in 2015.  So let’s learn a little more about Joe, his life, and his blog. 

Jennifer: How long have you been blogging?
Joe: I have been blogging off and on for about 10 years, maybe less. During that time, I have had various blogs as well as contributing to various blogs as well. 
Jennifer: How do you help Catholics through your blog?
I help Catholics by being real and authentic in my posts in hopes of encouraging and inspiring others. 
Jennifer: How do you find time to blog? Why is it important to find this time?
Joe: I find time to blog when I am not busy. It is important to find time to blog so you can have time to plan your post and make sure that your words can have impact.

Jonathan: What impact do you hope to make in the lives of your readers?
Joe: It is my hope to encourage and inspire readers as they journey in their life and faith. We’re all at different stops along the way but an important thing to remember while on the journey is that we are a part of a huge family – the Kingdom of God!  and We shouldn’t be afraid to live out our faith in word and in action. I’d like to think that my blog will encourage and inspire others to be themselves and to help them realize that they have a huge part to play in God’s story no matter what they may be experiencing in life or faith. It’s always great to hear from readers on how my writing has touched them. When writing personal posts, I always pray before hand so that my words can reach out to someone who may be experiencing similar struggles. In my writing whether it be personal thoughts or even reviews, I try my best to be real and authentic. 
Jennifer: What are your 3 favorite/most popular posts on your blog?
Three favorite posts on my blog are: A Powerful Sign, Saint Chasers, and Connected.
Jennifer: List your three favorite Catholic blogs or resource websites?
: Three favorite Catholic blogs: Filling my Prayer Closet, One Peter Five, and Liturgy Guy.

Jonathan: How has blogging changed you?
 Well, I have been a blogger for quite some time. Blogging has changed me personally because I have come to realize that I have made many mistakes in life, faith, and even in my social media activity. I continue to learn from my mistakes and I grow with the love and support from family, friends, fellow Catholic media personalities, readers of my blog, but most importantly, The Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary. 
Jennifer: Who would you most like to meet in Heaven and what would you ask or say to them?
: If I were in Heaven, I would love to see my mom. My mother died November 3rd, 2012 from a heart attack in her sleep at the age of 50 yrs old. I would let her know how much I love her and how much I’ve missed her, and how great it is to be together again. 

Joe and his family

Jennifer: Who is your favorite saint and why?

Joe: My favorite Saint is Padre Pio because of his devotion to the Church’s teachings and Sacraments. Another reason he is my favorite is because of his devotion to Our Lady. 
Jennifer: What do you love most about being Catholic?
I love the fact that every Sunday as a Catholic and even during the week, I have access to Jesus through the Eucharist at Holy Mass.

Jonathan: In what ways has blogging brought you closer to Jesus?
Joe: Blogging has brought me closer to Jesus especially in the way of when readers email me or see me in person and tell me of how they can relate to this post or that post. In particular, A friend who has been a long time supporter of my blog contacted me and had informed me that he along with his wife had purchased a gift for me and they’d love to see it reviewed on my blog. Just seeing readers being generous to myself or others with their time, talents, and resources has brought me closer to Jesus because examples like that show how much the stories of Jesus and the lessons he taught are still very important for today’s world.

Jonathan: Was there ever a pivotal moment where your faith suddenly deepened?
Joe: I would have to say when I first experienced Holy Mass in Extraordinary Form because up until a year or two ago, I had never been to Mass in the Extraordinary Form before. Just to be able to experience this old form of the liturgy with incense, candles, receiving communion while kneeling, chanting, and more was and continues to be an amazing experience. 

Jonathan and Jennifer: Thank you, Joe, for your time and all of your efforts to help spread a deeper love of the Catholic faith. We hope this interview will help you on this journey. 

Be sure to visit Joe Sales Says to read and follow Joe’s blog! 

About the interviewers:
Jennifer and Jonathan have been married for 17 years and they have 9 children (ages 16 to 3), who they home-educate in Pennsylvania. Jennifer blogs about the faith and creative ways to share it at home and school. Visit her blog at Catholic Inspired

CBN Spotlight – The Catholic Book Blogger

Hello, everyone! I’m Jennifer from Catholic Inspired. My husband, Jonathan, and I will be interviewing one blogger each month here on CBN! We have decided to do these interviews in the order in which they have been given to us and so today, for our very first post, we are interviewing Pete Socks from “The Catholic Book Blogger”.
Interviewing Pete for our first interview is a bit odd because one of Pete’s weekly posts is an interview with a Catholic author! So we are amateurs compared to him!  

Pete’s blog is a gold mine for any one searching for good books to read about the Catholic faith. Pete posts a review every Thursday, a giveaway of the reviewed book on Friday which runs for one week, and an interview with the author of the book the following Monday. In addition to that, he posts The Clergy Speaks columns on Tuesdays. He also posts an excerpt from the book A Year with the Church Fathers each day. This is done through the cooperation of author Mike Aquilina and publisher Saint Benedict Press. When time allows he posts a New and Notables column which features upcoming titles which he feels may be interesting.  Additionally, on Mondays, he may feature a CD from Lighthouse Catholic Media through his role as LHCM Account Manager.

Whew! That’s one busy guy and so organized! Let’s start the interview and learn more about Pete, who he is, and what he’s been up to!

Jennifer: How long have you been blogging? 
Pete: I began my blog in Nov. 2012 via self-hosting. In Oct. 2013 I was invited by Elizabeth Scalia, managing editor of the Patheos Catholic web portal to move my blog under their umbrella. My blog has been hosted there since.
Jennifer: How do you help Catholics through your blog? 
Pete: My blog aids readers in selecting quality, enriching Catholic books that help them in their faith journey. 
Jennifer: How do you find time to blog? 
Pete: I am asked this question often and specifically how do I read so much so here goes. It’s a gift. I have always been an avid reader. In the summer of 2011 I was given a copy of Be A Man by Father Larry Richards. Admittedly up to that point I had been a lukewarm Catholic. That book changed my life (though has not made me perfect…you can verify that with my wife!). After reading the book I looked for a way to share the faith and decided to use my love of reading to serve the Church. Thus, The Catholic Book Blogger was born. 
Pete with Father Larry Richards

Jennifer: Why is it important to find this time? 

Pete: I have made this work my form of evangelizing which we are all called to do. 
Jonathan: What have you learned through blogging?
Pete: Simple….my faith. When I set out to provide guidance on good books little did I know how rewarding it would be for myself as well. There is a huge ocean of information out there if you take the time to access it and read. You would be amazed at the quantity of books I receive from publishers to review. The access I have to new and unreleased books affords me the opportunity to first and foremost educate myself. Though that may sound selfish it is a key step in evangelization… of self.
Jennifer: What are your 3 favorite/most popular posts on your blog? 
Pete: Here goes: My sit down interview with Father Larry Richards was an absolute thrill for me. I had the opportunity of meeting him at a men’s retreat in 2013. Other interviews include Scott Hahn, Cardinal Donald Wuerl and Mike Aquilina. I’m really enjoying the responses I am getting from many Bishops in my recurring column The Clergy Speaks. Here is the first entry from Bishop Kevin Rhoades. I have multiple reviews that I am quite proud of including Strange Gods by Elizabeth Scalia, Camerado: I Give You My Hand by Maura Zagrans and Faith of Our Fathers by Mike Aquilina.

Pete with Mike Aquilina
Jonathan: What do you have in the works? Share a sneak peek of an up-coming post or event. 
Pete: I have a huge project in the works right now that will team me up with someone I have great respect for. It has the potential of being something the church has never seen before…unfortunately….we are not quite ready to announce it so keep your eyes open. 
One thing I can talk about in depth is my weekly “The Clergy Speaks” column. I have been getting amazing feedback and the willingness of many clergy to participate in the simple one question feature. “What 5 books would you recommend as must reads for Catholics today?” It’s really exciting for me to share what our Bishops, Cardinals and well known priests are coming up with each week.
In a few weeks I will be launching the companion column to “The Clergy Speaks” which will be called “The Laity Speaks”. It will comprise the same question but posed to prominent members of the laity.  There are some other things in the works as well but suffice it to say 2015 will be an exciting year at CBB.
Jennifer: List your three favorite Catholic blogs or resource websites? 
Pete: I humbly submit the Patheos Catholic Portal. We have some great writers over there including Deacon Greg Kandra, Father Dwight Longenecker, Elizabeth Scalia and Simcha Fisher.
Jennifer: What are some things that few people know about you? 
Pete: Well first that the creator of Catholic Inspired (Jen Lawrence) is my sister-in -law. Second I am coordinating retreats at my local parish for the parish, deanery, and diocese as a whole. In 2013 Mike Aquilina came to town, Scott Hahn was here this August and next year Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle and Matt Leonard are coming. Third, I’m a convert to the Catholic faith and I joined the church in 1996.
Jennifer: What do you love most about being Catholic? 
Pete: The part that excites me most about the Catholic faith is our history. We have an unbroken chain back to Christ himself. One area I have delved into the past two years is the Church Fathers. If you have not spent time with the writings of the Church Fathers you are doing yourself a huge dis-service. I cannot recommend enough the multitude of fine books patristic expert Mike Aquilina has written.
Jennifer: Who would you most like to meet in Heaven and what would you ask or say to them?
Pete: There’s a loaded question! I’ll put it this way. If I am privileged to make it to Heaven I would be happy to be in the presence of the Holy ones that arrived before me.
Jennifer: Who is your favorite saint and why?
Pete:  I have always been drawn to Padre Pio. What a fascinating, holy person with some absolutely incredible gifts! We cannot forget one of our newest Saints our beloved Pope John Paul II. I think we are only just learning the magnitude of the love he had for his flock.
Jonathan: Most of us only get to know writers by their books but since you speak to them on a more personal level, what are your personal feelings about Catholic writers, in general?
Pete: Catholic authors are an amazing bunch. In the 2 years of reviews and interviews at CBB I have formed many friendships. Mike Aquilina was the first author I interviewed. He is one of the most humble men I know and will take no credit for what I am about to say. He has been a tremendous sounding board throughout these 2 years of blogging. I treasure his friendship and owe him much. I came to know Maura Zagrans while working on an interview with her for her book Camerado: I Give You My Hand. She is a delightful person with a refreshingly free-spirit that has been a great support as well. My buddy Matt Leonard will be coming to New Oxford to speak in 2015. This guy has pulled me through on a number of looming deadlines. Then there is The Anchoress, Elizabeth Scalia. She took a relatively unknown, one year blogger (yeah I’m talking about me) and brought him on board the largest Catholic portal on the web at Patheos. She took a chance on me and I am forever grateful to her.
These are just a few examples of Catholic authors and the  great bunch they are. Every author I have had the pleasure to either exchange emails or phone calls with is the same. Genuine, caring and willing to help however they can. Not only do they write about Catholicism, they openly practice it in their interactions.
Jonathan: Why do you feel the work of Catholic writers today is so important?
Pete: Because they are answering the call of the New Evangelization. They are producing books that are educational in the faith and inspiring in practice. They are providing a much needed resource for a world that has greatly fallen away. In recent years there has been a resurgence in Catholic books being published. I think there are two reasons for this. First there is a genuine need for enriching material.  People are buying and publishers are responding. Second, as I stated earlier, the call of the New Evangelization is being answered. The bell was rung during Vatican II, Pope John Paul II made it a hallmark of his pontificate. Pope Benediction XVI continued to promote it. I think now we are just beginning to see the New Evangelization take shape and reach its potential.  
Jonathan: Looking at the times we live in, have you seen any works that are uniquely helpful for average Catholics today? 
Pete: As I mentioned in the previous question there is a real resurgence in Catholic material being printed the past few years. There are some really fantastic books I can point out as recommendations.  I’ll approach this as my own five must reads.

 Be A  Man by Father Larry Richards.
Men need this book. I needed this book. This book is the one that changed my
life. Had it not been for a close Deacon friend of mine lending me that book,
The Catholic Book Blogger may never have been. Here is my review of the book. You can also
find my sit down interview with Father Larry here.
One of the first books I reviewed was a short but
powerful book on the early church. Faith of Our Fathers: Why the Early
Christians Still Matter and Always Will
by my good friend Mike Aquilina.
This book is a great primer on the early church. If you want to understand the
times we live in, read about the early church. You think we got problems, this
is nothing. Try being faced with a regime that openly killed you for practicing
your faith. Read the review here and interview with Mike here. Keep in mind this
was my first interview so you can see how my style has progressed between that
one and more recent ones.
Evangelizing Catholics: A Mission Manual for the New
by Scott Hahn is MUST read for anyone interested in
knowing what they need to do to be part of the New Evangelization. Scott lays
out what the New Evangelization is (evangelizing the de-christianized) and how
to go about doing it. A short but inspiring read and if you are looking for a new
book to start please start here. My review can be found here and interview
with Scott on this book here.
Not necessarily a book on
the faith but a great book on what someone deeply faithful can accomplish is
the book Camerado: I Give You My Hand. Maura Zagrans writes the story of
Father David Link, a widow who became a priest and has taken up the mission of
prison ministry. This book was an eye opener for me on prison life. Father
David’s story is incredible and what is even more incredible is his work. Read the review here and interview with Maura here.
The Light is On For You: The Life-Changing Power of
Cardinal Donald Wuerl is a much needed book on the sacrament of confession. As
confessional lines diminish in some parishes it is evident a reawakening is
needed. Cardinal Wuerl gives people a refresher on the sacrament in this book.
The book is based around the program of the same name he began in the
Archdiocese of Washington. You can read my review here and the
interview I did with the Cardinal here.
Lastly a  few titles to mention that are on my review
pile that I am anxiously awaiting to get to. Seeking First the Kingdom: 30
Meditations on How to Love God with All Your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength

by Fr. John Bartunek. When The Church was Young: Voices of the Early Church
by Marcellino D’Ambrosio. Praying for Priests:  Mission for the New Evangelization by
Kathleen Beckman. My Battle Against Hilter by Dietrich Von Hildebrand.
And lastly Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to Changing the World by
Brandon Vogt. These are just a few of the many titles on the pile currently!

Jennifer: Since interviewing Catholic writers is a major part of your blog, how has it felt being on the flip side of the interviewing table?
Pete: Much more difficult than I thought it would be! Seriously though, I enjoyed the interview.  Great questions and thanks for taking the time to ask. I enjoy sharing my work and hope readers find it of benefit to them on their spiritual journeys. 
Jennifer and Jonathan: Thank you, Pete, for your time and all of your efforts to inform us about all of the wonderful Catholic literature that is available!
Okay, there you have it folks! The amazing Pete Socks! I’m a bit surprised he was willing to admit that I’m his sister-in-law, but don’t hold that against him! Be sure to check out Pete’s blog HERE:
About the interviewers:
Jennifer and Jonathan have been married for 17 years and they have 9 children (ages 16 to 3), who they home-educate in Pennsylvania. Jennifer blogs about the faith and creative ways to share it at home and school at Catholic Inspired

Catholic Bloggers Spotlight ((4)): Reasons for Chocolate

Catholic Blogger Spotlight ((4))
Introducing Patty from…
Reasons for Chocolate
How do you help Catholics through blogging?
If there were one thing I would feel comfortable saying about my blog is that I want others to learn it is okay to have fun with your faith, to relax, to enjoy while growing in wisdom. Life happens and life is too short.

What is your favorite Link-Up Party?
Advent Traditions – hosted by Jen at Forever,
For Always No Matter What.
A group of ladies gathered to share their family traditions for the Advent season. It was amazing to see so many wonderful ideas compiled into one place! A LOT of work went into that link up 🙂
Another favorite would be Celebrating Easter – hosted by Catholic Cuisine.

Who is your favorite Saint?

It depends on my hour of need! Saint Anthony never has failed me. Ever! Saint Jude has stormed the heavens for me on many occasions. Our Lady and Saint Ann inspire me on a daily basis to be a better mother and wife. Saint Gerard helped me through some very dark moments in my life. Saint Nicholas will always hold a special place in my heart.

What are some things that few people know about you?
I sleep walk. The more tired or anxious I am at bedtime, the more I walk in my sleep.

I “sing” opera to my baby when she is fussy. It ALWAYS gets her to stop crying and then laugh!
What are your three favorite/most popular blog posts?

A Twist On The Jesse Tree. This was an amazing project our homeschool group did last year.

Mind Your Own Business! Tells it how it was to grow up in a very large family. (One of my favorites!)
Twas The Night Before Vacation. In honor of my mother. I totally “get” what she meant when she would say, “I wish your father would take all of you on vacation for one week and leave me behind to have the house by myself.”

How long have you been blogging and why is it important to you?
I started in April of 2010. It has been so rewarding.
Blogging not only keeps me sane but teaches me to see all the good in my life and to really enjoy it.
Why do you find it important to blog?
For many reasons: personal record, I feel like I’m talking to another adult, growth in faith, new friends across the miles, and a good reminder of how blessed I am.

…and we’ve added a few more questions to the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight, so we asked Patty (Reasons for Chocolate)…

Who would you most like to meet in Heaven?
My children. My siblings. My grandparents. And to see my own father again.
What do you like most about being Catholic?
Oh my goodness! Our faith is SO tangible. It really uses all five senses. Most importantly though is the Holy Eucharist. How powerful and amazing is that!
If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?
I must say that I love learning about my roots. My father was mostly Irish with some English in him as well. My mother is 100% Slovenian. She was able to visit her “homeland” twice, seeing the church and baptismal font that her father was baptized in! I would love to visit these places.
What have you learned from your kids?
Forgiveness and love of life.

If you would like your blog to be showcased in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight…fill in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight Questionnaire!

Posted by Monica @ Equipping Catholic Families
I am a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Arma Dei: Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centered crafts! 

Catholic Blogger Spotlight {3} A Slice of Smith Life!

Come and visit our exciting Catholic Blogger Spotlight {3} 
introducing A Slice of Smith Life!

Discover what Tracy has been up to in 2012, find links to her most popular blog posts and her favorite blogs and link-up parties! Drop her a comment
…and tell her that you’re happy she’s in the Spotlight!

If you would like your blog to be showcased in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight…
fill in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight Questionnaire
Don’t forget to post a Catholic Bloggers Network button on your blog and spread the word!

Catholic Blogger Spotlight {2}: Catholic Sistas!

Catholic Blogger Spotlight ((2))

Catholic Sistas

Facebook: Catholic Sistas Facebook Page
Twitter: Catholic_Sistas

How do you help Catholics through the Catholic Sistas blog?

We seek to catechize and bring Catholics of all walks to know the Faith even better than they already do. After several generations of poor catechesis, we feel very strongly about evangelizing and re-evangelizing Catholics, no matter where they are in their faith journey.
Our topics cover anything and everything from catechesis, conversion and reversion stories, testimonies, abortion, respect life, humor, the did you know factoid series, recipes, crafts, etc. We seek to connect with as many people as possible using various topics.

Who is the favorite Saint …of Catholic Sistas?

Try as we might, we could not be contained to just one saint. Just as we are many contributors, we have many saints who we turn to, to help guide our evangelization efforts. I like to refer to them as our “”all star”” patron saint cast. They are: our Blessed Mother, St. Joan of Arc, St. Teresa of Avila and St. Maximilian Kolbe. We also love Blessed JPII {as it was his vision for the new evangelization} and Fulton Sheen, who was instrumental in evangelizing using media.

What are some things that few people know about Catholic Sistas?

Most people don’t realize that the contributors already had an existing comaraderie in place when the blog was created. Imagine if 40 {at the time} of your online friends who you chat with daily decided to take those conversations and turn them into blog posts. The result would be a different kind of blog chemistry. The women of this blog all have the same goal in mind – to bring others to know, love, and serve Christ – and many of our conversations are spirited in getting the very best out of each other. We are truly sisters in Christ and not just a random gathering of people who chat once in a while.

What are Catholic Sistas’ three favorite/most popular blog posts?

LadyRibbon and her creation as the first Catholic pro-life ribbon 

List your three favorite Catholic or Catholic resource websites:

Conversion Diary
Relevant Radio
National Catholic Register

How long have you been blogging?

We have been blogging less than 1 year with over 50 contributors: it affords us the ability to write with a more relaxed schedule – the pressure to have to write ourselves several times a week is eliminated.

Why do you find it important to blog?

Catholic Sistas is a multi-contributor blog of over 50 women, centered on sharing the Faith from a feminine perspective. We also feature men to share their perspective from time to time.

Check out Catholic Sistas! The vast number of contributors is what makes this blog not only awesome but unique and each post is thoughtful and inspiring.

Make sure that you are subscribed to Catholic Sistas !

If you would like your blog to be showcased in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight…
fill in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight Questionnaire!

Posted by Monica @ Equipping Catholic Families

I am a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts! 

First Ever! Catholic Blogger Spotlight ((1))

Our first ever
Catholic Blogger Spotlight!

Introducing The Ramblings of a Crazy Face

The Ramblings of a Crazy Face Facebook Page
Twitter: @LovingStacey

How do you help Catholics through your blog?
I just try to tell my story as honest and open as I can. I submit to all Catholic Church teaching, so if I am wrong about something then I don’t mind anyone telling me.

Who is your favorite Saint and why?
Blessed Mother Teresa, Blessed John Paul II, and St Therese. All three have made it obvious that they are a part of my life, and that they are praying for me. Mother Teresa, because I know what spiritual dryness feels like, and she felt it worse. If she kept going then so can I. JPII, because I saw him as a teenager and he gave me hope. And St Therese, because I learned about her from my husband’s mother.

What are some things that few people know about you?
Nothing! I have a big mouth and I love to talk and share my story, any part that will help anyone. I’m an open book. Good, bad and ugly.

What are your three favorite/most popular blog posts?
How God has helped me with the pain of my past.
the story of the child that I lost and how I came to name her.
How God used sheep to show me that there is nothing He wouldn’t do for me. Ever.

List your three favorite Catholic or Catholic resource websites:
Conversion Diary
Catholic Sistas
National Catholic Register

How long have you been blogging?
less than 1 year*
(*OK, it’s been about 6 months since we collected all this info…so it could be a year by now. =)

How do you find time to blog? Why do you find it important to blog?
I don’t. It is the last thing on my list. I want to start setting aside time atleast once a week to blog, but I’m working on finding that time. LOL

Check out The Ramblings of a Crazy Face !  You will find thoughtfully written posts and you will want to follow her!  If you would like your blog to be showcased in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight…fill in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight Questionnaire!  Make sure that you are subscribed to the Catholic Bloggers Network and check out all these awesome Catholic blogs!

Posted by Monica @ Equipping Catholic Families

I am a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts!