Guest Posting on the Nun Blogger

I’m honored that Sister Anne of the Daughters of St. Paul asked me to guest post on her website. We “met” on twitter because Sister Anne wanted her followers to know about my books, which are an alternative view of Tudor England to Hilary Mantel’s in Wolf Hall.

She wrote:

“A few weeks ago, I mentioned the TV series “Wolf Hall” and its inaccurate presentation of St Thomas More, recommending a series of novels set in the same time frame that offer a very different (and more true to life) perspective. Today NunBlog is honored to welcome author Nancy Bilyeau, Twitter’s @TudorScribe, as a guest blogger”:

To read the post, go here.




Finding the Narrow Gate

Continuing the Highway to Hell series.

"Guess I'll have to find a wider, easier path."
“Guess I’ll have to find a wider, easier path.”

What if you do remember whizzing past some of the signposts covered in the previous posts? A suggestion was put on the table for consideration, “Turn around.”

Yes, turn around, or as we learned, convert. What happens if you turn around? You may find you have some baggage to unload. Stuff that you might really want to keep. Stuff that you may feel you can’t live without. What do you do? Well, don’t do what the guy in the picture is about to do.



The Mother of Anne Boleyn

Now that Wolf Hall is on Broadway and on PBS, a great many people will be talking about not only Thomas Cromwell but also Henry VIII, his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, his daughter, the Princess Mary, and of course his second wife, Anne Boleyn.

In my novels I take the opposite side of the Reformation from Hilary Mantel–my protagonist is a Dominican novice. But I also in my research have found many surprises in the religious choices of people who lived in the 16th century. Including the mother of Anne Boleyn.

To read my post, go here:

You Are Worthy

I’m sure you’ve gone through difficult situations.   I’m sure you’ve stuggled and cried and yelled at God.  I’m sure you’ve asked “Why me?”

Difficulty and suffering is part of the human condition.

Somtimes the biggest struggle we have is our feelings of unworthiness.  Unworthiness of love.  Unworthiness of forgiveness.   Unworthiness of help.

Our faith tells us that our worth comes from God.

But society tells us that our worth comes from what we accomplish, what we look like, how much money we have.

Sometimes we listen to society just a bit too much.

Read the rest here.

Perpetual Sanctification (part one)

Did you ever have one of those weeks that you thought you just might not survive?  I mean emotionally, not physically, although, sometimes emotional stress is worse than the most strenuous physical workout.  Well that’s the kind of week I had.

It not only left me battered and bruised, but it had me questioning every decision I have ever made as a wife, mother and friend.  I would no sooner  think I was on solid ground and the rug would be pulled out again!

In those times, although, not much fun, much growth can occur.  I found myself swept away in a current that had been building for quite some time.  Continue reading……


Watch the signs! Avoid the Wide and Easy Path!

Whether known as the seven capital sins, the seven cardinal sins, or the seven deadly sins, they are all signposts on the highway to hell.

most interesting sinnerHave you heard of the Seven Deadly Sins? What are the Seven Deadly Sins, and why are they considered deadly?

Are the Seven Deadly Sins also Mortal Sins? Doesn’t the meaning of the word “mortal” mean death, since being immortal means never dying?

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