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calling Catholic Bloggers is a Catholic focused article and information portal by Catholic writers and bloggers who write about things Catholics are interested in, with 3 main categories – Faith, Life and What’s Going On, from a perspective consistent with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. We are also striving to spread the word and the Catholic faith by highlighting both the articles and the writers through internet and social marketing campaigns.


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There is no specific time frame for the submission of articles. Articles are published as they are received, usually within two weeks or so, depending on the volume of submissions. All of the Authors are volunteers, assisting in this new tool for evangelization…

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A Book Review on

I’m honored that Sister Margaret Kerry, for forty years a daughter of St. Paul, reviewed my trilogy of novels on Catholicmom. I “met” her on Twitter. Sister Margaret proclaims the gospel in all sorts of ways, writing books and conducting workshops on media literacy. She’s great on Twitter! I’m often struck by how many wonderful people you can get to know on social media.

To learn more, go here.

Seeing God, Making God Visible

pope emeritus benedict xvi

The saints are the true interpreters of holy Scripture The meaning of a given passage of the Bible becomes most intelligible in those human beings who have been totally transfixed by it and have lived it out.
Pope Benedict XVI

The organ for seeing God is the heart. The intellect alone is not enough. In order for man to become capable of perceiving God, the energies of his existence have to work in harmony.
Pope Benedict XVI

The Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI can accurately be described as an intellectual or, at any rate, an academic. Anyone who reads his books (and you really should) can have no doubt that he has a formidable mind which he feeds by wide reading and nourishes by deep reflection upon what he has read. He is then better placed than most of us to know that by the intellect alone we cannot see God. His life and work also stands as an eloquent and elegant refutation of the lie that Christians must abandon their intelligence in order to embrace their faith. Our discursive, cogitative, enquiring mind forms part of our God given personal apparatus as it were and so must play its part in our search for and encounter with Him but the part must not be substituted for the whole….click here to read more

15 Reasons Why I Love Being Catholic

342px-Francisco_de_Zurbarán_-_Christ_on_the_Cross_-_WGA26051God, the Father: Creator of Heaven and Earth.  Father Almighty.  God of Love.  One of three Persons in the Trinity.  Through Him, all things were made.

Jesus: The Son of the Living God, Begotten not made, one if being with the Father.  Agreeing submitting His Will to the Father, Jesus suffered an horrific death for the sake of all humankind.  “Not my Will,” He said, “But Your Will be done.”

Holy Spirit:  The Third Person of the Trinity.  The Comforter.  The Guide.  The Paraclete

The Resurrection of the Body:  Jesus defeated death when He rose from the dead.  By His death we were saved.  By His Resurrection, we, too, will rise, one day.

The Truth – The Catholic Church speaks the truth, even if it’s not a popular truth to speak.  From the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Article 1: Section 1950: The Moral Law.

“The moral law is the work of divine Wisdom. Its biblical meaning can be defined as fatherly instruction, God’s pedagogy. It prescribes for man the ways, the rules of conduct that lead to the promised beatitude; it proscribes the ways of evil which turn him away from God and his love. It is at once firm in its precepts and, in its promises, worthy of love.”

Read More at:: His Unending Love

Why Be Selfless? Where Does It Get You?


Why be selfless? As Christians, we are called to imitate Christ to the best of our abilities. Christ was completely selfless, when He allowed Himself to be mocked, scourged and crucified – all for the love of humankind; obedient to the Father’s will to the end. Prior to His Passion and death, Jesus said, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).

Now, He is not necessarily calling us to lay down our lives for our friends literally. He is however, calling us to imitate Him in how He obeyed His Father. “He emptied himself” (Phil 2:7) to become human and did not regard Himself in equality with the Father (Phil 2:6). Jesus submitted His will to that of the Father. He calls us to do the same. This means that we are… Read more…

Evangelium Vitae and a Prolife Novena

On March 25th, 1995 Pope John Paul II gave us the beautifully rich and prolife encyclical, Evangelium Vitae. This year we will be celebrating the 20th anniversary on the Feast of the Annunciation. What a fitting feast day to celebrate life, as we call the mind Mary’s ‘yes’ to becoming the Mother of God!

A special Novena has begun – with nine individual petitions, the Prayer to our Lady written by Pope John Paul II (now Saint John Paul II), and a relevant excerpt from Evangelium Vitae.

Won’t you join this worldwide effort and pray these simple Novena prayers with us? Participants range from the United States all the way to our friends ‘down under’ in Australia! For more information you can read a bit of history at Evangelium Vitae: 20th Anniversary Novena – Catholic Stand.

EV all petitions

A daily post explaining the petition and including all of the relevant prayers can be found on Designs by Birgit. There is also a Facebook group for the Evangelium Vitae Anniversary Novena. I hope you’ll join us and invite your friends and family to pray for an increase in the respect for all life – from fertilization until natural death.

The Secret of True Love

Преображение_Господне_(мозаика)[1]Many years ago when I used to run courses for school leavers, I used to begin by asking the boys and girls to tell me when they were last really happy. I remember one boy said that it was when he was fishing with his father, another when watching one of his favorite films, and yet another when he was playing football with his friends. One of the girls loved a day of retail therapy with her mother, another loved playing the piano, not for her exams, but for the sheer pleasure of it. Finally one girls said her happiest moments were spent on holiday with her boyfriend. Strangely enough it always used to take them a long time to see the common denominator – the reason why doing all these different things had given them all so much pleasure. For a greater or less period of time they had been so absorbed in something, or someone else, that they simply forgot about themselves. In the discussions that followed they usually came to the same conclusion, namely that, this happiness could be found and perpetuated more in loving someone else than in anything else.  read on


I’m David Torkington, a Spiritual Theologian, Author and Speaker. I specialize in Prayer, Christian Spirituality and Mystical Theology. I write and speak predominantly about Prayer which I believe transforms us into Christ in this life, and enables us to share in something of the life and love that continually flows between Christ and his Father.

Writing a Novel About Nuns

When I decided to write a mystery set in Tudor England, it took me a while to decide who my main character should be. A queen or princess? No! It’s been done and done and done. An ordinary woman? Perhaps, but….what about a nun? I started to get very excited as I thought about the possibilities.


Henry VIII famously broke with Rome and dissolved the monasteries. But what does it mean to “dissolve” a religious institution going back a century? I spent the next five years researching monastic life in late medieval England. It wasn’t easy. There are a hundred books about Anne Boleyn. But the nuns and monks and friars were largely forgotten.

I didn’t give up. I kept reading and digging and talking to experts. The real-life priory that I set my novels in was the only Dominican Order for nuns in England, located in Dartford. And I was, after much persistence, able to find out what happened to those nuns after their home was demolished and they were expelled.

Their stories contain more than one surprise.

To read about my discoveries, go here.

Thank you!

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My Thoughts On Our Lady Of Fatima


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A friend of mine recently ask me what my thoughts on Our Lady Of Fatima were, and it got me to thinking a lot on the subject. I remember when I was first learning about the Catholic Church and hearing all of the wonderful things that people had witnessed in the Church I heard about Our Lady of Fatima. When I first heard about Fatima I remember I was instantly amazed at what the children had witnessed there, and I remember that I believed it right off, I had no doubts in my mind that it truly did happen and I found the account amazing.

As I read about the three children I was almost jealous in a way that it had happened to them,
and not to me. Could you imagine seeing Our Lady, listening to Her speak? Oh how wonderfully
blessed those kids were, I don’t really think they understood at the time what a profound
impact that this would have in so many millions of peoples lives. It never fails to amaze me
the many different ways that God makes His presence known, and the fact that He uses Our Lady
shows how much love He has for His Mother, and it is that love that He has for His Mother, that
makes me love Her so very much.

She is my Spiritual Mother and I have often talked to Her just like I did when my mother was alive. She can understand me in a way that no one else can, and to talk with Her gives me such a peace in my heart. At the beginning of April I am going to be reading yet another book on Our Lady of Fatima, and I am going to be sharing my thoughts on it chapter by chapter on a separate page on my blog. If you would like feel free to get the book and read it along with me. The title is Our Lady Of Fatima by William Thomas Walsh.


Feel free to visit my blog at

Ezekiel and ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’


Have you ever heard a Protestant friend refer to the idea of ‘once saved, always saved’? Living in the Bible belt, I sure have! When I heard the recent Mass reading from Ezekiel last week, I found myself questioning how anyone can hold that view. I’ve invited charitable discussion in various social media outlets but have yet to understand…

Read more […]

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Birgit Jones is a 50-something cradle Catholic who is passionate about the Church and the prolife movement. She has been married to her Catholic convert husband, Rick, for 40 years. They have four children and eight living grandchildren (all age eleven and under). Their frequent visits eliminate any fear of an empty nest!

Birgit is Graphics Editor and Columnist at Catholic Stand. She can also be found on her personal blog Designs By Birgit and Facebook fan page Designs By Birgit, where she utilizes her Fine Arts training to promote Life through her prolife memes.