Catholic Blogger Spotlight {2}: Catholic Sistas!

Catholic Blogger Spotlight ((2))

Catholic Sistas

Facebook: Catholic Sistas Facebook Page
Twitter: Catholic_Sistas

How do you help Catholics through the Catholic Sistas blog?

We seek to catechize and bring Catholics of all walks to know the Faith even better than they already do. After several generations of poor catechesis, we feel very strongly about evangelizing and re-evangelizing Catholics, no matter where they are in their faith journey.
Our topics cover anything and everything from catechesis, conversion and reversion stories, testimonies, abortion, respect life, humor, the did you know factoid series, recipes, crafts, etc. We seek to connect with as many people as possible using various topics.

Who is the favorite Saint …of Catholic Sistas?

Try as we might, we could not be contained to just one saint. Just as we are many contributors, we have many saints who we turn to, to help guide our evangelization efforts. I like to refer to them as our “”all star”” patron saint cast. They are: our Blessed Mother, St. Joan of Arc, St. Teresa of Avila and St. Maximilian Kolbe. We also love Blessed JPII {as it was his vision for the new evangelization} and Fulton Sheen, who was instrumental in evangelizing using media.

What are some things that few people know about Catholic Sistas?

Most people don’t realize that the contributors already had an existing comaraderie in place when the blog was created. Imagine if 40 {at the time} of your online friends who you chat with daily decided to take those conversations and turn them into blog posts. The result would be a different kind of blog chemistry. The women of this blog all have the same goal in mind – to bring others to know, love, and serve Christ – and many of our conversations are spirited in getting the very best out of each other. We are truly sisters in Christ and not just a random gathering of people who chat once in a while.

What are Catholic Sistas’ three favorite/most popular blog posts?

LadyRibbon and her creation as the first Catholic pro-life ribbon 

List your three favorite Catholic or Catholic resource websites:

Conversion Diary
Relevant Radio
National Catholic Register

How long have you been blogging?

We have been blogging less than 1 year with over 50 contributors: it affords us the ability to write with a more relaxed schedule – the pressure to have to write ourselves several times a week is eliminated.

Why do you find it important to blog?

Catholic Sistas is a multi-contributor blog of over 50 women, centered on sharing the Faith from a feminine perspective. We also feature men to share their perspective from time to time.

Check out Catholic Sistas! The vast number of contributors is what makes this blog not only awesome but unique and each post is thoughtful and inspiring.

Make sure that you are subscribed to Catholic Sistas !

If you would like your blog to be showcased in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight…
fill in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight Questionnaire!

Posted by Monica @ Equipping Catholic Families

I am a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts! 

Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers for JULY!

These are the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers for the month of  JULY!
Spread the word!! Let your friends know about these popular posts on the Catholic Bloggers Network and help promote Catholic Bloggers!
The new Monthly Round-Up for the AUGUST is up and running!
Make sure that you add your posts and visit often!!
You can also always revisit our Archives!

isn’t that a cool button?
Feel free to post it as a badge on your blog
…especially if you are one of our first Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers below
and have been awarded this prestigious award!
Announcing the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers!!
In the category of…

Readings and Reflections, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:

The Breadbox Letters for the post
Liturgical Calendar Crafts and Homeschooling,
theTHREE tied  Big Clicks Catholic Blogger are:
The Kennedy Adventures for the post
St Elizabeth of Portugal

Our Catholic Homeschool for the post
Are you Catholic enough?

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in the Works for the post
Dyslexia, another Curveball in Homeschooling

Catechism and Apologetics, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers are

Grace4U for the post
Devotion for today  (This seems to be the home address…please link up individual posts. Thanks!)

The Cloistered Heart for the post
Full Truth and Nothing But…

Catholic Family Journal, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is
8 Kids and a Business for the post
Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy

Catholic Review, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is
Equipping Catholic Families for the post
Catholic Review Panel for Arma Dei

Random, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is
The Cloistered Heart for the ost
Just what IS a Cloistered Heart?

the NEW Catholic Bloggers Ticker! Catholic Blog Button Exchange

Do you have a Catholic Blog? Would you like more followers and subscribers, but you’re not really convinced that purchasing an ad on other blogs will really be worth a monthly fee?

The Catholic Bloggers Network is offering a FREE venue to exchange buttons…basically exchanging advertising!  Join the Catholic Bloggers Ticker!
There are only 20 spaces available!…join the link up TODAY!
Please link only one blog per Catholic Blogger! Thanks!

There is only ONE rule:
As an exchange, you must be willing to display the Catholic Bloggers Ticker on your Catholic Blog.  This is the string of little Catholic Blog Buttons with direct links to these awesome Blogs.  Once you add your own Catholic Blog to the link-up, your button will appear in the random order, on all of these blogs, including your own.


We have discovered that the Ticker is difficult to add to WordPress blogs. We have created a different button for our WordPress friends and ask them to link to our community page.

Below, you will find the html code for the Catholic Bloggers Ticker.  You can add this to your Catholic Blog, by copying it and pasting it into an html gadget.  It looks pretty cool as a horizontal string, but it will also fit in a side margin.

<!– start InLinkz script –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
                document.write(‘<script type=”text/javascript” src=’ + new Date().getTime() + ‘”></script>’);</script>
<!– end InLinkz script –>

If you do not display the Catholic Bloggers Ticker on the main page of your blog, your Catholic Blog button will be deleted from the collection, freeing up a space for another Catholic Blogger.  If you discover a Blog that is included in the collection but does not display the Catholic Bloggers Ticker, please email
mmcconkey A rogers D com. (A means @, D means dot)

This is an experiment!  If anyone has any idea how to improve the Catholic Bloggers Ticker, please let us know.  We also reserve the right to discontinue this feature if it becomes too difficult to manage.

Are you displaying the Catholic Bloggers Ticker in the layout of your Catholic Blog?  If yes, join the link up here!


First Ever! Catholic Blogger Spotlight ((1))

Our first ever
Catholic Blogger Spotlight!

Introducing The Ramblings of a Crazy Face

The Ramblings of a Crazy Face Facebook Page
Twitter: @LovingStacey

How do you help Catholics through your blog?
I just try to tell my story as honest and open as I can. I submit to all Catholic Church teaching, so if I am wrong about something then I don’t mind anyone telling me.

Who is your favorite Saint and why?
Blessed Mother Teresa, Blessed John Paul II, and St Therese. All three have made it obvious that they are a part of my life, and that they are praying for me. Mother Teresa, because I know what spiritual dryness feels like, and she felt it worse. If she kept going then so can I. JPII, because I saw him as a teenager and he gave me hope. And St Therese, because I learned about her from my husband’s mother.

What are some things that few people know about you?
Nothing! I have a big mouth and I love to talk and share my story, any part that will help anyone. I’m an open book. Good, bad and ugly.

What are your three favorite/most popular blog posts?
How God has helped me with the pain of my past.
the story of the child that I lost and how I came to name her.
How God used sheep to show me that there is nothing He wouldn’t do for me. Ever.

List your three favorite Catholic or Catholic resource websites:
Conversion Diary
Catholic Sistas
National Catholic Register

How long have you been blogging?
less than 1 year*
(*OK, it’s been about 6 months since we collected all this info…so it could be a year by now. =)

How do you find time to blog? Why do you find it important to blog?
I don’t. It is the last thing on my list. I want to start setting aside time atleast once a week to blog, but I’m working on finding that time. LOL

Check out The Ramblings of a Crazy Face !  You will find thoughtfully written posts and you will want to follow her!  If you would like your blog to be showcased in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight…fill in the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight Questionnaire!  Make sure that you are subscribed to the Catholic Bloggers Network and check out all these awesome Catholic blogs!

Posted by Monica @ Equipping Catholic Families

I am a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts! 

Follow Catholics. Get Inspired!

Anyone interested in building their own personal
Catholic Blogging Network?
Follow and encourage more Catholic Blogs and get inspired!

We currently have 255 excellent Catholic blogs for you to discover, follow, encourage and cross reference on your own Catholic blog.  Is your Catholic Blog listed here yet?
Catholic Bloggers Network Blog Link-Up

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Join our Catholic Bloggers Mailing list for infrequent updates!

Would you like to see more Catholic pins show up on Pinterest? 
Discover awesome Catholic Pinboards and follow them!  Is your Catholic Pinboard listed here yet?
Catholic Pinboard Share

I am making a point of following ALL 60+ of these Catholic Pinboards…so if you’d like a shortcut to follow all these awesome pinboards…follow Me!

How about finding more Catholics to follow on Twitter, more Catholic Facebook pages and friends and Catholic Pinners to follow?  Make sure you are listed on our Catholic Bloggers Social Media directory and have a look around! 

Follow more Catholics and get inspired by
Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest!

Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers for JUNE!

These are the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers  for the month of  JUNE!
Spread the word!!  Let your friends know about these popular posts on the Catholic Bloggers Network and help promote Catholic Bloggers!
The new Monthly Round-Up for the JULY is up and running!
Make sure that you add your posts and visit often!!
You can also always revisit our Archives!

isn’t that a cool button? 
Feel free to post it as a badge on your blog 
…especially if you are one of our first Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers below 
and have been awarded this prestigious award!

Announcing the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers!!
In the category of…

Readings and Reflections, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:

The Cloistered Heart for the post
Liturgical Calendar Crafts and Homeschooling, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is
Tercets for the post
Corpus Christ Monstrance Activity

Catechism and Apologetics, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is

Aquinas, Car Keys and Dirty Socks  for the post  
Catholic Family Journal, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is

A Life-size Catholic Blog for the post 
Catholic Review, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is

Equipping Catholic Families for highlighting the review by Happy Little Homemakers in the post  
Review of Journey with Jesus through the Sacraments

and our brand NEW category:
Random, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is
The Breadbox Letters for the post
Want to be a Saint? 

New! Monthly Round-Up Category: RANDOM!

Upon request, we have added a monthly RANDOM BLOG POST link-up for
Catholic Bloggers at the Monthly Round-Up:  now 6 categories of Link Ups!

Usual rules apply…and obviously any posts counter
to Catholic teaching will be removed… 
but Link Up and check back often!
Remember that the Big Clicks Awards are posted at the end of each month!

Quick! Quick!  
Link up your June Blogposts…
 you only have 2 weeks before the Big Clicks Awards are posted for JUNE!

Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers announced for MAY!

These are the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers  for the month of  MAY!
Spread the word!!  Let your friends know about these popular posts on the Catholic Bloggers Network and help promote Catholic Bloggers!
The new Monthly Round-Up for the JUNE is up and running!
Make sure that you add your posts and visit often!!
You can also always revisit our Archives!

isn’t that a cool button? 
Feel free to post it as a badge on your blog 
…especially if you are one of our first Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers below 
and have been awarded this prestigious award!

Announcing the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers!!
In the category of…

Readings and Reflections, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:

Grace4U for the post
Liturgical Calendar Crafts and Homeschooling, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is
Crafolic for the post
Tea with St. Anne Link Up

Catechism and Apologetics, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is

The Cloistered Heart for the post  
Catholic Family Journal, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is

For Better or Worse for the post 
Catholic Review, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is

A Catholic Life for the post  
7 Catholic Devotional Books I couldn’t Live Without

NEW! Catholic Bloggers Bulletin Board!

Are you looking for a Catholic Guest Blogger to submit a post for your blog?
Would you like a Blog Critique from fellow Catholic Bloggers?
Do you have a technical question to ask about blogging?
Are you looking for more subscribers?
Join the link-up if you have blogged your request…
or add a comment with your question or request!
Check back often and get involved in Catholic Bloggers Blogs!