It happened on a Double Decker bus in Rome…

As I rode on the top of the double decker bus, snapping pictures of the inspiring Churches and monuments, soaking in the Italian sun…I wondered how I had won this awesome adventure.

In a single shot, it was suddenly an experience in the heart: not just a nice thought I had been told, I had read or I had rationalized to believe. Smiling from ear to ear….I realized that I was at that moment experiencing exactly what I had been asking for….for over 20 years…

Read more about Monica’s Pilgrimage to Rome at Equipping Catholic Families

Monica is a wife and a Mom
of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a
crafter. Together with her husband Bill, she founded a
Catholic apostolate called Arma Dei
(Armor of God; Ephesians 6:13-17) creating solid Catholic, fun teaching tools
and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith. She writes about these
family-building and Faith-centred crafts on


Better late than never: Big Clicks Awards for SEPTEMBER!

Sorry that this is ridiculously late…to announce the Big Clicks Awards for September!

Here are the awesome Catholic posts that were linked up to the Monthly Link-Up Blitz…that received the MOST clicks!

1. Joy Alive in our Hearts for the post New Evangelizers: What Are You Waiting For?

2. Campfires and Cleats for the plea for help for Catholic Blogger Mary Lenaburg. 

It’s not too late to pray or pay…to help this dear family!  Over $10 000 has been raised (Wow!)…but $30 000 is needed as the family supports Courtney in her last days. Thank you to Chris for starting this initiative…and all the Catholic Bloggers who extended the plea on their own Catholic Blogs and social media.
Please continue to help get the word out and support the Lenaburgs with your prayers and donations!

3. Oh…and that’s me: Equipping Catholic Families for the post The Coolest Catechist’s Classroom

Don’t forget to link up your favorite Catholic posts in October!
The Catholic Bloggers Monthly Link-Up Blitz is up and running…albeit a little late, but that gives you the opportunity to get your post up their near the top!

Please click around on the other posts,  and comment and promote your favorites! Good blogger etiquette is to promote TWO other blogger’s posts for every post of your own you promote on social media! Help us build up the Catholic Bloggers Network as an excellent venue for Catholic Bloggers!

Blessed is She …Daily Devotions!

Check out Blessed is She for a free subscription service for thoughtful and inspiring (and Catholic!) Daily Devotions! The daily Mass readings are embedded in the email, along with inspiring, encouraging, Faith-filled reflections we can all relate to!

You will recognize some of the writers! I’m not sure if any of them are members of the Catholic Bloggers Network…but I hope they are someday!

Go sign up here…for Blessed is She Daily Devotions: Daily Grace for Pondering Hearts
You will be glad that you did!

Link up to the NEW Catholic Bloggers Community Blog Call!

Welcome to the NEW Catholic Bloggers Network Community! You will notice we have been renovating our website with a new look and exciting features to help us encourage one another and promote our Catholic Blogs!

Why are we REBUILDING our Catholic Bloggers Network Community?

Glad you asked!
You will notice that we have almost 700 Catholic Blogs linked up on our original Community Blogroll! We opened the Catholic Bloggers Network FOUR years ago…and a lot can change in our blogging worlds in FOUR years!

Some of us have changed our blog names or addresses, narrowed our Catholic niche or moved on to other venues!

We’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to our NEW Catholic Bloggers Community Blog Call!
You will want to add your blog SOON…for MAXIMUM visibility and promotion!

Don’t forget to click around on our NEW site, add your September posts to the Monthly Link Up Blitz and apply to be featured in our upcoming Catholic Bloggers Spotlight!

We’re glad you’re here!

Read, set…LINK UP your CATHOLIC BLOG here:

Have we got your attention yet…over at the NEW Catholic Bloggers Network?

Has our WHOLE NEW LOOK at the Catholic Bloggers Network got your attention? We have lots of exciting news to come…including awesome new features and opportunities for Catholic Bloggers, new and inventive ways to promote YOUR Catholic Blog and a new venue to gather a wonderful community of Catholic Blogger friends! Skip around our site…

make sure that your blog is linked up on our Catholic Blogroll (we’ve been doing some weeding…check and make sure that your current Catholic blog is linked properly!)
confirm your interest in being an Official Contributor by filling out the NEW Catholic Bloggers Contributor Form
click out our TOPIC badges…for posts written just for you! We have the Archives linked to these categories: Readings and Reflections, Catechism and Apologetics, Homeschooling, Liturgical CalendarCatholic Family Journal and Catholic Product Reviews.
Look forward to the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight feature…that we hope will return soon! (Looking for a Catholic Blogger who likes to interview Catholic Bloggers)
Watch for the NEW Bulletin Board to post requests and offers for TECH help, Guest Posts and important Events (like our current Plea: Support the Lenaburgs!)
Continue to share your BEST Catholic posts at the Monthly Link Up Blitz! September is up and running… LINK your posts; DISCOVER and COMMENT on awesome posts;  SHARE inspiring posts
and since we have combined 4 Contributor blogs into the main Catholic Bloggers Network blog: please make sure that you are subscribed by your favorite feed…or by email!

Can we make it any easier?


Watch for additional UPDATES…in fact, you may receive an INFO email about all the changes, in the next day or two.  We will also be posting on Facebook through our
Catholic Bloggers Facebook Group
and Catholic Bloggers Facebook Page.

Please COMMENT, so that we know you’re still out there blogging!

Please share the Catholic Bloggers Network with friends and family in your social network.

Thanks and God bless!

Monica, Chris and Jennifer
Admins of the NEW Catholic Bloggers Network!

The Fruitful Mama, Jess and Saints 365: Big Clicks Award Winners for JUNE!

 Announcing the Big Clicks Awards for JUNE!

#1 The Fruitful Mama  for Pentecost Sunday Roasted Marshmallows

#2 Jess for If it’s Good Enough for Doris Day, It’s Good Enough for Me

and  #3 Saints 365 for 7 Ways to Grow in Devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Hey, Catholic Blogger…please remember these 4 easy ways to promote and participate in the Link-Up Blitz:

ONE: Add the link of your post… not your general blog address, so that I don’t need to go hunting for it and possibly celebrate the wrong post!

TWO: Please include the initials of the category…to help readers identify your post, finding the posts that will appeal to them and the posts they will be happy to promote!

THREE: Please mention that you have linked your post to the Catholic Bloggers Network Link-Up Blitz…to help us promote YOUR posts and give others the opportunity to participate. Use the link: Catholic Bloggers Network Link-Up Blitz

FOUR: Please come back OFTEN, visit the linked-up posts and share your favorites! Help us make the Catholic Bloggers Network an AWESOME community of ACTIVE Catholic Bloggers supporting one another.

Could you help us promote the
Catholic Bloggers Network
willy-nilly style?
1. Please visit our Contributor Pages (right side margin at ) and leave comments!
2. Please visit our Catholic Bloggers’ linked blogs at the Blitz
and leave meaningful and encouraging comments!
3. Promote Catholic Bloggers’ posts on FB and twitter!
4. Display the Catholic Bloggers Network button proudly on your blog, linked to

Thank you!



Heirloom Prayer-Loom Prayer Book!

Pass along the Catholic Faith of your closest family and friends in this Heirloom Prayer-Loom Prayer Book. The Craft Kit includes resource suggestions for favorite prayers and holy images and a template to give family and friends to help them share their favorite prayers, saints and blessings!

The Catholic Printable Craft Kit is FREE to subscribers over at Equipping Catholic Families: check it out! Prayer-Loom Prayer Book

Personalized Prayer Pillowcases: Giveaway ends May 13/14!

Check out these Prayer Pillowcases…available in over 23 different Saint/Prayer designs! What better way to instill good bedtime and morning offering prayer habits than with this beautiful reminder printed right on their pillowcase!
TWO winners will WIN TWO Prayer Pillowcases
with the option of adding their child’s name on each pillowcase for FREE!

Saint Michael the Archangel seems to be one of the most popular pillowcases, judging by the entry comments at the Prayer Pillowcases Giveaway.
Enter by May 13, 2014 for YOUR chance to WIN here:
Prayer Pillowcases Giveaway at Equipping Catholic Families


Most Popular Posts: Flectamus Genua, Campfires and Cleats, Eyes on Heaven and The Fruitful Mama!

 Announcing the Big Clicks Awards for APRIL!

#1 Flectamus Genua – Let Us Kneel  for Face Your Flaws with Joy.

#2 Campfires and Cleats for “Writer” + Weekends with Chesterton

and  #3 Eyes on Heaven for  Good Friday Activities in the (LC) Liturgical Calendar Category.

and #4 The Fruitful Mama for Thank You Guardian Angel in the (RR) Readings and Reflections Category

Special Mention for Single Mom Smiling. She received lots of clicks…but linked up her general blog address, so I can’t really tell which of her posts was most popular.

Hey, Catholic Blogger…please remember these 4 easy ways to promote and participate in the Link-Up Blitz:

ONE: Add the link of your post… not your general blog address, so that I don’t need to go hunting for it and possibly celebrate the wrong post!

TWO: Please include the initials of the category…to help readers identify your post, finding the posts that will appeal to them and the posts they will be happy to promote!

THREE: Please mention that you have linked your post to the Catholic Bloggers Network Link-Up Blitz…to help us promote YOUR posts and give others the opportunity to participate. Use the link: Catholic Bloggers Network Link-Up Blitz

FOUR: Please come back OFTEN, visit the linked-up posts and share your favorites! Help us make the Catholic Bloggers Network an AWESOME community of ACTIVE Catholic Bloggers supporting one another.

Could you help us promote the
Catholic Bloggers Network
willy-nilly style?
1. Please visit our Contributor Pages (right side margin at ) and leave comments!
2. Please visit our Catholic Bloggers’ linked blogs at the Blitz
and leave meaningful and encouraging comments!
3. Promote Catholic Bloggers’ posts on FB and twitter!
4. Display the Catholic Bloggers Network button proudly on your blog, linked to

Thank you!



Big Clicks: March 2014: Breadbox Letters, Enter Under My Roof and Young, Fun and Catholic!

 Announcing the Big Clicks Awards for March!

OK, so Equipping Catholic Families actually received the most clicks this month, but probably because of the Keep Love in Lent 2014 Link-Up Event that requested Catholic Bloggers to link from Equipping Catholic Families, Campfires and Cleats or Truly Rich Mom

Thanks for all your help, Chris and Tina…and thanks to all those appreciated in this year’s Lent Event!

…so we’re going to celebrate the BIG CLICKS award winners after that:

#1 The Breadbox Letters for The Martyrdom of Me in the Readings and Reflections (RR) category.

#2 Enter Under My Roof for Lenten Prayer Stained Glass in the Liturgical Calendar (LC) category.

and  #3 Young, Fun and Catholic for Lent…again  in the (LC) Liturgical Calendar Category.

Please remember to add the link of your post…and not your general blog address, so that I don’t need to go hunting for it and possibly celebrate the wrong post!

was a BIG success!
A Big Thank You…
to some awesome Catholic Bloggers who help out with various features and events of the
Catholic Bloggers Network!

Would you like to help us build up the
Catholic Bloggers Network?
Email Monica at mmcconkey a t rogers c o m
subject line “Catholic Bloggers Dream Team”
and tell us how you’d like to help us!
Catholic Bloggers’ post promotion on FB or google+ or twitter
Visit Catholic Bloggers’ posts and leave meaningful comments
Visit Catholic Bloggers Contributor posts and leave meaningful comments
Be a host of an upcoming Catholic Bloggers Event
Suggest a new Catholic Bloggers event or feature
Help coordinate future Catholic Bloggers Network Directory
Help format, publish and promote Spotlight Interviews
Moderate the Blog Help page
Could you help us willy-nilly style?
1. Please visit our Contributor Pages and leave comments!
2. Please visit our Catholic Bloggers’ linked blogs at the Blitz
and leave meaningful and encouraging comments!
3. Promote Catholic Bloggers’ posts on FB and twitter!
Link up your post and visit 10-12 others and leave comments!
5. Display the Catholic Bloggers Network button proudly on your blog.