After finally painting little wooden peg dolls, I have found all kinds of ways to introduce them into family activities, integrating both family members and favorite patron saints!
Tag: Liturgical Calendar
Crafts to make in August
Jesus is in the Eucharist! Straight Line Art Project
See how to create this grotto.
Assumption {Aug. 15}
July Saints!
CeleLINKY with the SAINTS!
Crafts and Activities for the Month of July! {Plus, a Link-up}-
Felt Doll / Statue
(July 14) |
Bow and Arrow Game
(July 14) |
and a play
(July 14) |
St. Anne and Baby Mary
for Sts. Anne and Joachim
(July 26)
and a St. Simon Stock play.
(July 16)
Ocean in a bottle Craft
AKA: Stella Maris
Learn more at Wikipedia
You also might like to join in myLINK-UP PARTY!See and share your faith-centered home posts with us!
God Bless,~Jennifer
Saints by Month Link-Up open for JUNE
Just a reminder that the CeleLINKY with the SAINTS Link Up stays open for you to add your Saints celebrations, crafts and reflections within the month-by-month categories!
Add your favorite Saints posts for JUNE today! Add your favorite posts for the other months too!
We also have
Cele-LINKY through the SEASONS
including Ordinary Time family traditions and activities.
We also have a SACRAMENTS Link-Up for your special Sacrament celebrations, crafts and teaching tools!
These LINK-UPS and MORE Catholic Link Ups are listed in the
CathoLINK LIBRARY…a special directory for Catholic Link-Ups!
You can even add your own Catholic Link Up Parties within the categories
and discover new link ups to participate in!
no more video games as Sacrament Gifts!
Check out Equipping Catholic Families for a unique gift for Confirmation, Holy Communion, Reconciliation or Baptism!
This is a unique Catholic Faith Journal teaching and celebrating the seven Sacraments and the Catholic Faith.
First Communion Banners
Enter to win a copy the Journey's End Game.
Head over to see Holly’s at The Three Sided Wheel and enter to win! While you are there you can see her review of my game!! She has some great pictures of her homeschool co-op playing the game!
Easter Decorating with Peeps
Not much for eating Peeps. Peeps make me laugh. For me, they are a humorous part of my college graduation memories….
But for Easter decorating, well these Peeps take the cake! This is an Easter cake I made a few years back.
On Pinterest, I have seen Peeps in wreaths
and Peeps on skewers!
It all has me imagining Peeps on swags like garlands and Peeps on sticks in flower bouquets and a college door…old, hardened Peeps on it and a night of revelry with my sistas!
Yeah, Peeps make me laugh….
a Holy Week link-up to refocus Lent…
I just posted a HOLY WEEK Link-Up as part of the Fiestas de Enlaces.
Here is the Holy Week Link-Up Announcement.
The Holy Week Link-Up is on the same page as the
What are you doing for Lent? Link-Up…
and incidentally…there is still time to add your Lenten posts, reflections and activities.