Catholic Crafts for Lent and Holy Week


Super Cute Bible Tabs to get you flipping through the Bible from Catholic Icing. I turned a soft cover Catholic Bible into a Hardcover Bible and while I was at it, a Journaling Bible.


Easy as Abacus Stations of the Cross Just released last week! Kelly Saints Stations of the Cross on a wood frame Abacus, perfect for little fingers to keep track of the Stations!


Letters of Love: A Lenten Meditation for Families I’ve signed up and I think I’m ready! I’m hoping that the colorful post it notes, index cards, notepaper, notebook and pens will entice my whole family (including our 4 kids living at home ~from 6 years to 18 years) to reflect, write and draw as soon as we receive the prompts!

You can sign up too at Not So Formulaic. I’ll be posting our progress …and any special tips we come up with, after we begin on Ash Wednesday!


Easy as Abacus Rosary for hands-on Rosary praying with Kelly Saints illustrations and chalkboard prayer intentions!


Pray, Fast, Give Printable from Look to Him and Be Radiant This is a great, FREE printable to help you Pray, Fast and Give! Pick new do-able challenges each day and avoid the discouragement of Lenten Sacrifice burnout.


…and one more #CatholicCraft! Not a printable…but a FREE Tutorial!

Simple Good Deed Bead Bracelets that even the littlest hands can help make…with beads that slide and stay in place to count special sacrifices and prayers throughout each day! FREE Tutorial at Equipping Catholic Families.

Copyright 2017 Monica McConkey.

profile 2Monica McConkey is a Mom of 5, creator of Catholic teaching tools and gifts and she is the original founder of this website. She spends most of her time posting about crafts and family fun at Equipping Catholic Families and creating things for her Shoppe

Meatless Meals for Lent

Meatless Meals for LentWe are more than half way through Lent! Are you finding it challenging trying to come up with meatless meals each Friday of Lent that doesn’t consist of fish or pizza? It can sometimes be a struggle, especially, if you are like our our family, and don’t eat meat on any Friday of the year. So, to spark some ideas for you here’s a small list…continue reading

Lent Musing: Tithing Our Prayers


Alms-giving or Charity – sometimes it is difficult to decide how one can increase what they give during Lent, especially if you are already generous the rest of the year.

Here are some thoughts I’ve had — would LOVE to hear yours:

  • Tithe your prayers.  I can get REAL self absorbed during prayer time with a lot of my family needs that, O Lord bring me this. So I am making a more concerted effort during Lent to pray for others.
  • Giving more of our talent.  So my wallet may be stretched but that doesn’t mean I have exhausted all I have to give.  I’m trying to find ways to use my gifts to serve the Church and others during Lent.
  • And then there is actual money … for more idea please visit Reconciled To You


All Rights Reserved, Allison Gingras 2016

Scripture Verses for Lent

Scripture Verses for Lent

We are winding up the first week Lent, and as I’ve said many times before, one of the best things we can do is read God’s word. One of the best ways to do this is to pray the scriptures that are given to us at Mass. The Liturgy is wrought with meaningful verses to encourage us to deepen our understanding of the Lord’s sacrifice, to open and convert out hearts and renew our commitment to the Lord…Continue Reading

Seek Virtue This Lent!

Seek Virtue

Rather than giving up chocolate, only to devour the solid chocolate Easter Bunny on Easter Sunday, seek virtue this Lent. Rather than giving up drinking alcohol, only to pop the cork on the Champagne this Easter Sunday, seek virtue this Lent. Rather than giving up television, only to sit in front of the TV all day Easter Sunday watching your shows on demand, seek virtue this Lent.

So many times, year after year, we temporarily give up something we love as a sacrifice for Lent in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. I suggest taking a different and possibly moreRead more…

Lent: What Does GOD Want From Us ?

The words from Isaiah 58:1-9 are like brilliant beams of light, cutting through any false notions we might have about this season of repentance that we call Lent. Often we tend to think of Lent as a time to share in the suffering of Christ yet when we do so, we become morose and end up centering more on our own wonderful sacrificial devotions than on God.
In these first days of Lent, the Church shows us exactly how God wants us to pray, fast, serve His people and worship Him.

Please Don’t Leave Social Media during Lent … pretty please

Really. Don’t leave for Lent.  I understand that many use this hiatus to spend more time working on their own personal spiritual growth and I can completely respect that HOWEVER…. please don’t completely disappear for 40 days when social media needs you the most.  Okay, I’ve always had a flair for the dramatic but this is a serious situation.  Here’s why… 

Lent is a time that many people, especially those who may have been lukewarm, maybe a bit disassociated or just plan lax work to spice or rejuvenate their faith life.  The internet just happens to be a place many people turn for guidance and even community to make that happen.  So, what happens when those who are most likely to post something faith based, could possibly answer questions or would be open to connect as community make a mass exodus off social media during Lent??  There are great missed opportunity to evangelize, catechize and support those seeking meaning through an experience with Christ this Lent.

Some alternatives to consider if you simply must follow some type of social media blackout … Read MORE


All Rights Reserved, Allison Gingras 2016

Image: Social Media,, PD

Meatless Friday Recipe: Magnificent Marinara Sauce

Marinara sauce with cheese ravioli or tortellini makes a great (and frugal) Meatless Friday meal! I’m a huge fan of the marinara sauce at the Olive Garden, and it’s easy to make this copycat recipe at home–in about 30 minutes! Wake up the flavor of your herbs and spices by sauteeing them with the onion and garlic. This sauce freezes well, so make a double batch if you like!

ravioli marinara

Get the recipe and nutrition information for Magnificent Marinara Sauce here!

Celebrating Passion Sunday

passion sundayDid you notice something different at your church today?  Did you remember to veil your crosses at home?  Today is Passion Sunday (the 5th Sunday of Lent) and the beginning of Passiontide.  It is said that:

“Crosses and statues are veiled now and will remained veiled for two full weeks.  The Catholic Encyclopedia describes this custom as follows:  “Before Vespers of Saturday preceding Passion Sunday (i.e. the 5th Sunday of Lent) the crosses, statues, and pictures of our Lord and of the saints on the altar and throughout the church, with the sole exception of the crosses and pictures of the Way of the Cross, are to be covered with a violet veil, not translucent, nor in any way ornamented.  The crosses remain covered until the solemn denudation of the principal crucifix on Good Friday.  The statues and pictures remain their covering, no matter what feast may occur, until the Gloria in Excelsis of Holy Saturday”.

Continue reading about Passion Sunday and see what our family did to celebrate at Children Of The Church Blog!

Meatless Friday Recipe: Baked Risotto with Clams

I love risotto, but I was always too intimidated by all that high-maintenance stirring to try it myself. Then I discovered that you can bake risotto rather than cooking it on the stove top and have it on the table in about 30 minutes. So give this a try–no excuses! It’s easy!

Get the recipe and nutrition information for Baked Risotto with Clams here!

clam risotto baked

Copyright 2015 Barb Szyszkiewicz.
Photo copyright 2015 Barb Szyszkiewicz. All rights reserved.