Expect Temptations

just-another-e1440349184735It is literally six days since the official beginning of our September Pilgrimage to see Pope Frances. I have not felt that spiritual high since the ride home from the meeting.  In fact it has been a never-ending crisis,  I no sooner resolve one issue, that another one arises, a whirlwind, with no time to think, to ponder, to breathe.

I know intellectually, distractions are temptations to succumb to either sin or defeat.  To me, they are an attempt to give up my resolve about writing these things down.  I have to say I have been a little disheartened.  I haven’t been able to get it on paper until now.  But then I think, you know what they say;  want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.  I quickly remember…. I AM NOT IN CONTROL!!!

Control is an issue for me, as I like things to be a certain way, it makes me happy.  The best way to tempt me is;  mess with my need to have things a certain way.  Good thing I can at least recognize the temptation;  sitting with it, making friends with it, quite another story.  Continue Reading

A Holy Journey

PopeIt is the Feast of the Assumption, it is an important day not only does it mark the beginning of our Papal journey but it  marks the 18th  anniversary of my Consecration to Our Lady according to St. Louis De Montfort, as I walk through the doors, I am struck by its significance.

The first speaker, speaks about being prepared for our September journey not only physically and mentally but most importantly spiritually. To visit our Holy Father in Philadelphia is like Jesus traveling to Jerusalem. A holy sacrifice to enter into and be observed as something sacred.

When making any kind of sacrifice for God, one must be spiritually prepared. It’s something I know in my head, but find myself forgetting the importance of.  A memory of my initial consecration preparation fills my thoughts.   I am struck by how independent and self-assured I was, when it was suggested that I work with a spiritual director, I thought;”Why, how hard could this be? After all it was just following the reading in the book.”  With the help of a Priest, that at the time I did not believe was necessary, I quickly realized I was traveling into deep unknown territory and I must learn to discern, ponder and pray about the origins of thoughts, circumstances and impulses. Continue Reading..

Effective Mothers

13fdb94fa12ad733f9ba5131d7cd0e65 (1)Obviously, an effective mother is passionate about teaching and loving her kids.

It is passion, an inner drive, that is not dependant on seeing results right away. It is passion from the Holy Spirit that prevents discouragement or burnout because it is an inner fire that motivates and energizes mums.

We must learn to connect spirit to spirit, heart to heart with little people in and through God if we want to teach and form them into children of God.

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Secrets to a Happy Marriage

love-163690_1280marriagewmTomorrow my husband and I celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary. It hasn’t always been a smooth ride but I can honestly say that I am truly blessed to have had Michael as my husband. Therefore, although I do not consider myself an expert or anything, I thought I would share our “secrets” for a happy marriage. Of course, these aren’t really secrets at all, but they have helped us through the ups and downs that inevitably all couples face…Continue reading

If I Am the Heart of the Family, Why Was I Not Missed?

I have always heard that the mother is the heart of the family, especially a stay at home mother with a crew of kids, who also helps with a hobby farm. So Why was I not missed when I spent hours locked in the chicken coop?

You must first understand that even if this was a subconscious belief, I behaved as if was the most important member of the family. It took a drastic experience to shake me out of my arrogance.

God has a sense of humour and will use any and all experiences to teach us.

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Joyful Chaos: Dining With Eleven

Listen as I struggled to gather my crew every night for a family meal.1511056_719664651430912_167545578033154281_n

“Oh good, you’re done barn chores. Perfect timing; dinner is almost ready.”

“Two more minutes, everybody!”

“Joseph I’ll help after we eat, okay?”

“Mary, please run up and open Jean’s door and shut off the music.”

‘Dinner is ready!”

“Grace, I know you love that book sweetheart but, remember, no reading at the dinner table.”

“Where’s Mark?”

“Honey would you lift up Daniel into the high chair?”

“Are we all here? Anyone missing?”

Ah, dinner time in a large family.

Dinner was the highlight of the day with everyone clamoring to share their news or simply squeeze in comments into the cacophony of voices. It was a humorous symphony which sounded perfectly in tune to my ears. High pitched baby squeals combined with loud, boisterous little boys.and the quavering of a male teen voice balanced teenage girl’s chatter. Dad’s reassuring bass tones soothed my shrill calls for everyone to listen to the toddler’s newest word. The highlight of this often unruly symphony was the spontaneous laughter punctuating the entire meal.

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Become Like Children

8255080926_7aba630153_nSome religious people would maintain only a mature, adult Christian can act lovingly, with a conscience. Yet Pope Francis and even Sacred Scriptures disagree with this narrow view.
St. Paul explains God will judge everyone by much how truth God has revealed to them. If a tribe hidden in a jungle has never heard the gospel, God will  judge them based on what they know and St. Paul assures us all men have the basic laws of God carved into their hearts. In modern language, we all have an awareness of good and evil or a conscience.
The problem is tapping into and living out from my core where God has inscribed a moral code on my heart. It is  hidden in my deepest self. Actually, if we can block out our own ego and selfishness and simply stop and listen, even a child knows what is right and what is wrong.
The second problem is finding the strength to do what is right. Thank God for Christ because he offers an easy way to love. Relax. Give up striving. Surrender to His love and let it saturate every cell of your body. Then simply let His love flow through you. It ends up being a long journey to such carefree lifestyle because pride and ego get in the way. It is so simple that it seems complicated to our adult, logical minds.

Review: Judy Landrieu Klein’s Miracle Man

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Miracle Man by Judy Landrieu Klein  is an enthralling, well-written, dramatic read with flawed, lovable characters who will wriggle their way into your heart. However, this book is much more than a good read;  it offers insightful nuggets of wisdom about life, death, marriage and parenting, seamlessly nestled  in the narrative tale. 

Whether you are a seeker, an agnostic or a cradle Catholic,  Judy’s  down-to-earth language will pierce through your defenses, triggering your own deepest longing for His touch.

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Perpetual Sanctification (part two)


I wake up feeling like I had never slept. Why am I so tired?  Then it comes crashing back to me, the whole scene, like reliving a movie, the finding of porn on my daughters twitter feed.  Does she honestly think I believe that she doesn’t know whose it is or how it got on her feed?  I cannot wrap my mind around it.

Taking it to the Lord, I decide to go to another Parish for daily Mass, because I need to be alone, I need to sort this through, and I need to be anonymous.  I feel the weight of 100 bricks on my shoulders.  In the pew, I beg for guidance and answers. I lift my needs up to the Lord, I ask mamma Mary to help me, mother her daughter. Continue reading

Join me for the next post to read what the Grace of the Sacrament of Marriage reveals, please pray for me!!!

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Life or Death: A Four-Year old Chooses

The following is a true story of a four-year-old Catholic child, in a coma, following a serious car accident.heaven-hell

Chandra was still not conscious when she began to speak to her parents in the ICU unit. She spoke as if in a dream, describing a big room with two doors where she sat waiting with several other people. She explained that she had to decide which door she wanted to walk through. A really nice man, dressed in white smiled at her and told her that she was completely free to walk through either door. One door would bring her back to her life on earth. If she liked, she could across the room, take the nice man’s hand and walk through the other door.

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