#CatholicCrafts on Instagram, #Giveaway at Catholic Sistas and #SuperSaints!

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Do YOU love Instagram? There’s a new tag out there to help you organize and discover awesome Catholic Crafts! Read all about it at Equipping Catholic Families and add #CatholicCrafts to share your Catholic Craft Triumphs!

Catholic Sistas giveaway

Check out this GIANT Giveaway over at Catholic Sistas! $1300 in Catholic prizes and over 60 winners!

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…and some other exciting news directly from Equipping Catholic Families: We’ve launched our campaign for the official print of the Super Saints Quizzing Cards!

Please check out our Project: Super Saints: we’re 32% towards our goal and the campaign ends August 31st!  Invest in tools to foster your kids’ love for the Saints!

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If you’d prefer to get your Cathletics Craft Kits here and now with $10 OFF, the funds from our Back to {Home}School Sale will go a long way to helping us print the Super Saints!

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Thanks for your support and enjoy your Cathletics Craft Kits to print at home!

Super Saints:Kid-magnet quizzing cards and a #Giveaway chock full of Saints!

tiny saints super saints giveawayAnnouncing the #SuperSaints #TinySaints #Giveaway! There is still time to enter for your chance to win $100 in SAINTS prizes! Check out the Giveaway over at Equipping Catholic Families

The #Giveaway ends August 20th at 11pm!

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The #Giveaway celebrates the release of the Super Saints Cathletics Craft Kit available only at Equipping Catholic Families! It includes ALL 54 Saints cards featuring Kelly Saints and quick fun, quantifiable and comparable facts! Play  Super Saints Showdown (Top Trumps), Super Saints Stats, Memory or Go Fish! with your own sets of cards, printable at home or at your friendly Staples.

Holding out for the Ready-to-Play printed decks?

Check out our Project: Super Saints and consider helping us get these printed in time for World Meeting of Families! We appreciate it!

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Check out our own Super Saints Video with a Behind-the-Scenes look at the creation of these cards with the help of our own in-house artist, 16 year old Kelly!

Cover Reveal and Publication Date Announced

FHC Cover Reveal

For children, waiting for anything seems endless! Faith Livingstone would agree, having just moved to a new town, and about to enter a new school. Faith wants so badly to make new friends.  She wants to feel like she belongs in her new surroundings. It all can’t happen fast enough for Faith. Journey with Faith as she struggles to make new friends; yet, learns the value of the virtue of patience in the process.

You can learn more info about Adventures of Faith, Hope and Charity – Finding Patience here and here.

Preview of Catholic Ebooks On Sale

Catholic Business Directory and Exciting Catholic Giveaway!

Check out this NEW Catholic Business Directory, neatly categorized to help you find just what you’re looking for!

Catholic Giveaway

Each week a different Catholic Business will be featured on the site.

Almond Rod Toys


Check out the showcase on Almond Rod Toys and their lovely Saint focused Blessing Blocks!

Visit Shopping with Blessed Zelie Martin for your chance to win! $450 in awesome Catholic Gifts and Resources!