#CatholicCrafts on Instagram, #Giveaway at Catholic Sistas and #SuperSaints!

#catholiccrafts button

Do YOU love Instagram? There’s a new tag out there to help you organize and discover awesome Catholic Crafts! Read all about it at Equipping Catholic Families and add #CatholicCrafts to share your Catholic Craft Triumphs!

Catholic Sistas giveaway

Check out this GIANT Giveaway over at Catholic Sistas! $1300 in Catholic prizes and over 60 winners!

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…and some other exciting news directly from Equipping Catholic Families: We’ve launched our campaign for the official print of the Super Saints Quizzing Cards!

Please check out our Project: Super Saints: we’re 32% towards our goal and the campaign ends August 31st!  Invest in tools to foster your kids’ love for the Saints!

Super Saints cover 54 CYMK

If you’d prefer to get your Cathletics Craft Kits here and now with $10 OFF, the funds from our Back to {Home}School Sale will go a long way to helping us print the Super Saints!

Sale sign

Thanks for your support and enjoy your Cathletics Craft Kits to print at home!

Super Saints:Kid-magnet quizzing cards and a #Giveaway chock full of Saints!

tiny saints super saints giveawayAnnouncing the #SuperSaints #TinySaints #Giveaway! There is still time to enter for your chance to win $100 in SAINTS prizes! Check out the Giveaway over at Equipping Catholic Families

The #Giveaway ends August 20th at 11pm!

Super Saints cover 54 CYMK

The #Giveaway celebrates the release of the Super Saints Cathletics Craft Kit available only at Equipping Catholic Families! It includes ALL 54 Saints cards featuring Kelly Saints and quick fun, quantifiable and comparable facts! Play  Super Saints Showdown (Top Trumps), Super Saints Stats, Memory or Go Fish! with your own sets of cards, printable at home or at your friendly Staples.

Holding out for the Ready-to-Play printed decks?

Check out our Project: Super Saints and consider helping us get these printed in time for World Meeting of Families! We appreciate it!

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Check out our own Super Saints Video with a Behind-the-Scenes look at the creation of these cards with the help of our own in-house artist, 16 year old Kelly!

The Case for Sacred Subtitles and how to ‘get more out of Mass’


Sacred Subtitles

I’ve been going to Mass at least once a week for over 44 years. Even with the New Translation of 2011, the text of the Mass is pretty familiar…or is it?

The truth is, I don’t always hear the beautiful words of the Mass. It’s true I’m a little hearing impaired, but I think it’s quite possible for most of us to glaze over and not listen intently to the words of the priest. Heck, it seems like sometimes the priest can even glaze over a little bit and speed-read the prayers of the Mass, taking for granted the wisdom and the diligence of our Church to carefully choose these beautiful and meaningful words invoking the Holy Spirit, rounding up the Faithful and transubstantiating the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ out of mere bread and wine.

When was the last time you really listened to all the words of the Eucharistic prayer? Even our responses can be kind of rote. We can rattle off the Apostles Creed…the very collection of beliefs we should be able to stake our lives on….as flippantly as we respond “fine thanks, how are you?”

I don’t want to be negative or critical or judgmental…especially knowing how deeply and how quickly I fall short of virtuous or spiritually-disciplined. But I’d feel better if I had some practical tips to put in place to help me and my family participate more deliberately and consciously in Mass.

Want to read my 9 Resolutions to ‘get more out of Mass’?

Click this: Reverent or Routine: The Case for Sacred Subtitles and 9 Resolutions for Equipping Catholic Families



Is the Eucharist Really Just A Symbol? Five Very Convincing Proofs that Say that It’s Not

My new friend Brittany has posted another great article in her series Letting God Lead: My Journey Through Protestant and Catholic Beliefs on her blog Equipping Godly Women.
This one is called Is the Eucharist just a Symbol? 5 Convincing Proofs that say that it’s not!

This is a great article of Catholic Apologetics…and Brittany isn’t even Catholic!
Let’s pray for her RCIA journey…we’d love to have her on our team. =)

FREE Catholic Blog Planner for 2015

Would you like to get better organized in 2015, managing your Catholic Blog?
Arma Dei: Equipping Catholic Families has just made a new Catholic Blog Planner available for FREE! It includes the following templates for use within a handy 3 ring binder:

Month by Month Calendar (with Catholic Feast Days and Seasons recorded)
Top Referrers, Top Posts, Giveaways, Reviews, Guest Posts and Blog Events (by month)
Blog Stats
Guest Posting
Sponsor Buttons
Ad Space
Affiliate Links
Blog Health!

It’s FREE…but please consider supporting Monica at Equipping Catholic Families
by subscribing to her blog, following her on Social Media
…and sharing this fine printable with your Catholic Blogger friends!

Go get YOUR 2015 Catholic Blog Planner by clicking this link to Equipping Catholic Families

Advent Link-Up: Week THREE

It’s Gaudete or Bambinelli Sunday! Welcome to the THIRD WEEK of our Advent Link-Up!



Please be sure to link up your best Catholic posts published this week…and visit the other Catholic posts linked, comment on them and share!

We will be accepting nominations for Best Commenter! If you notice a Catholic Blogger who often comments on your posts or on FB and other social media with meaningful comments and shares YOUR posts…please nominate them here in the comments!

If YOU are commenting on another Catholic Blog and would like to subtly identify yourself as a Catholic Bloggerand possibly set yourself up for a nomination…please sign off your comment mentioning that you are a Catholic Blogger (“Advent Blessings from another Catholic Blogger”, etc)….or on social media…you could use #CBN. Thanks!

There will be prizes for the winning Best Commenter!

Sock Baby Jesus in a Clementine Crate Crib with No Mess String Straw

Easy craft with a clementine crate, fabric scraps, a single white sock, an elastic, a sharpie and some yellow yarn!

We now have an empty crib …to fill with no mess straw yarn with each good deed, sacrifice or prayer.


We have an adorable Sock Jesus ready to appear on Christmas Eve.

Easy, cheap and ADORABLE!

Check it out at Equipping Catholic Families!

Sock Baby Jesus in a Clementine Crate Crib
and No Mess Straw…added this year!

Advent Link Up: Week TWO!

57 awesome Catholic posts linked up to the Catholic Bloggers Advent Link-Up Week ONE!
Let’s see how we do THIS week!


Join us!
Advent Link Up: Week TWO!
Don’t forget to share the Catholic Bloggers Advent Linkup button, invite other Catholic Bloggers to link up their Advent posts, peruse the posts linked up, comment over on the other blogs and share your favorite other Catholic Blogger posts on social media!

Also: Don’t forget to include a link to this link-up…in your post! If you link last year’s article, please include a ***2014 Update*** with this year’s Catholic Bloggers Network Advent Link.

Let us support one another!
Blessings for Advent!

In this Advent Link Up: Week TWO:  Please link up Advent posts
…you did not already link in the Advent Link Up Week One!

Catholic Bloggers Advent LinkUp 2014

Join us!

Don’t forget to share the Catholic Bloggers Advent Linkup button, invite other Catholic Bloggers to link up their Advent posts, peruse the posts linked up, comment over on the other blogs and share your favorite other Catholic Blogger posts on social media!

Also: Don’t forget to include a link to this link-up…in your post! If you link last year’s article, please include a ***2014 Update*** with this year’s Catholic Bloggers Network Advent Link.

Let us support one another!
Blessings for Advent!

Week One:

An InLinkz Link-up

Week Three:

Week Four: