15 Reasons Why I Love Being Catholic

342px-Francisco_de_Zurbarán_-_Christ_on_the_Cross_-_WGA26051God, the Father: Creator of Heaven and Earth.  Father Almighty.  God of Love.  One of three Persons in the Trinity.  Through Him, all things were made.

Jesus: The Son of the Living God, Begotten not made, one if being with the Father.  Agreeing submitting His Will to the Father, Jesus suffered an horrific death for the sake of all humankind.  “Not my Will,” He said, “But Your Will be done.”

Holy Spirit:  The Third Person of the Trinity.  The Comforter.  The Guide.  The Paraclete

The Resurrection of the Body:  Jesus defeated death when He rose from the dead.  By His death we were saved.  By His Resurrection, we, too, will rise, one day.

The Truth – The Catholic Church speaks the truth, even if it’s not a popular truth to speak.  From the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Article 1: Section 1950: The Moral Law.

“The moral law is the work of divine Wisdom. Its biblical meaning can be defined as fatherly instruction, God’s pedagogy. It prescribes for man the ways, the rules of conduct that lead to the promised beatitude; it proscribes the ways of evil which turn him away from God and his love. It is at once firm in its precepts and, in its promises, worthy of love.”

Read More at:: His Unending Love

50 Things to Give up or Do for Lent

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”  Mother Theresa

Write a letter a day to a different person, everyday during Lent and
mail them.  The letter can be a letter of thanks, a letter of love, a
letter of sympathy, a letter of forgiveness.  Write that letter with the
intent of making the reader a happier person.

2) Work on forgiveness.  Get God involved in helping you to forgive.  Ask for the graces.  You will receive

3) Perform one good deed per day.

4) Find 5 things to thank God for each day.

5) Read Sacred Scripture daily aka the Bible.

6) Leave food on your plate each meal.  Don’t eat it all.  Don’t throw it away.  Save for another time.

Read More at:: His Unending Love

Knowledge You Need for Lent

Lent begins on Wednesday.  The first day of Lent is called, Ash
Wednesday.  It is on this day that you will receive the gift of ashes on
your forehead in the shape of a cross.  Ash Wednesday is not a holy day
of obligation, but it is day on which we are encouraged to attend Mass
in order to receive the blessing of ashes.  
Lent is time of mortification through which we can grow closer to God
and prepare for the celebration of the Risen Lord on Easter Sunday. 
Fasting, abstinence, and  turning away from sin are parts of our
spiritual journey in the season of Lent. 
Read More at:: His Unending Love

Stepping Aside and Letting God do the work

I worried and worried.
I had just graduated from college, and I needed to find a job.
I was still living at home, and I wanted to MOVE OUT ON MY OWN.
(I later learned that being an adult is not as great as it seemed then.)
 FINALLY, even though it was out of my major,
and I didn’t need a college degree,
I was hired to work as a teller in a bank.
I know.  I was over educated.  I earned very little money, but it was enough to get an apartment with a couple of friends.
God had some lessons for me to learn.
At first it was great, then there were the disagreements about food, utilities, and when the rent was due.
I lived there for 6 months, then  moved back home.
By that time, I was dating my future husband, and life was moving along.

Read more at:  His Unending Love