Embrace Confidence in God

How much confidence in God do you have that He will address your every need? Your outlook makes all the difference. To embrace confidence in God and ourselves, we must first acknowledge that doubts and fears are part of our existence. Doubts and fears are the prime drivers for lack of confidence in God and ourselves. However, it is how we handle those doubts and fears that … Read more…

Book Update: Meet Faith, Hope and Charity!

Book Update on Adventures of Faith, Hope and Charity – Finding Patience
Progress on my first children’s book titled, Adventures of Faith, Hope and Charity – Finding Patience, is coming along nicely. Meet Faith, age 8, Hope, age 5, and Charity age 3. In this book, these three sisters learn the value of the virtue of patience – a book for children ages 4-6. Read more about these lovely girls…

Confidence is a Worthy Virtue

How is Confidence a virtue? How does confidence in God’s promises increase your own confidence level? Why is confidence in faith so important? Confidence, at its most basic level, is hope in God. It is with confidence and hope in Jesus’ salvific action that we will one day be resurrected at the Second Coming of Christ, as promised in 1 Cor. 15:35-58. It is with confidence and hope in God’s promises that we place our trust in Him. Read more…

The Virtue of Diligence

What pivotal role does the overlooked virtue of diligence play in helping us get to Heaven? How is it aligned with the virtue of Faith? Diligence requires perseverance and organization to see a task through to the end. Have you ever tried to do too much, and as a result, nothing gets done well because you spread yourself too thin? Saint Francis de Sales gives us some great guidance in this matter. Read more…

Practicing Faithfulness

Practicing faithfulness – Do you stand firm in your faith, or do you compromise at the expense of your faith? What is your trust factor in God? Practicing faithfulness, I will say up front, is easier said than done. To be faithful to God and to not give in to self-pride, fears and doubts, one must engage in persistent prayer, always asking for increased faith and trust in God. Read more…

Meaning of Life – From a Third Grader

Have you found your “meaning of life?” Have you sat on the sidelines, or have you followed your dreams? What are the “what ifs” of your life? Finding the meaning of life – It’ what we all do from birth to death. We ask questions. We pose “what ifs” throughout our lives. Yet when we are at the end of lives, what will we regret the most?  Find out what a third grader offers as his advice to us adults. Read more…