Tact: Life Lesson Learned!

Tact 2

Tact has always eluded me, until I began researching and practicing the virtues. I saved this virtue for discussion until now, because I had much work to do in this area, myself, before I could write about it.

Bluntness, or lack of tact, can diminish the quality of relationships. It is confession time for me. I have a classic example of how the lack of tact can destroy relationships. Here goes:

While I was still working as a technology audit manager, I was attending one of those “off-site” kumbaya type meetings, where I thought complete truth would be openly accepted… Read more…

Honesty with Tact: Can It Be Done?


Honesty truly is the best course of action. The thing that I like most about honesty is that I never have to worry about what story I may have told in the past, because truth is Truth, and the truth doesn’t change. Therefore, if I live in truth, I speak consistently, and by doing so, I build good character.

Through honesty, we build integrity in the eyes of others and with God. Let’s face it, the only thing we get to take with us when standing in judgment before God, at the end of this life, are our sins and our integrity. I don’t know about you, butRead more…

Lie: The Unforeseen Consequences of Lying

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Do You Lie? The Unforeseen Consequences of Lying

How easy it is to lie, sometimes for convenience; sometimes to hide bad behavior or embarrassment. When we lie, we begin traveling down a slippery slope. The more we lie, the further we move away from God.

Lying easily becomes a nasty habit, a vice, a habitual sin. Lies lead to destruction of relationships with others, but most importantly, it deteriorates the relationship we each have with God. Rather than facing the truth, we see ourselves as we want to, and not as we truly are, in all reality. We even tend to… Read more…

Truth Be Told! Is There Any Other Way?


Truth Be Told

Is there really any other way to live? I mean, really, live? When we fail to tell the truth, we deaden ourselves. We move away from the Light of Christ and we move towards the Prince of Darkness. We move from the true good to the absence of God in our lives. So, I ask you again, is there really any other way that you would want to live, other than with the fullness of Truth?

Truth Defined

Truth is defined as living an upright life, both in action and speech, tactfully and with kindness. God is… Read more…

Piety Pointers at Your Service

stand in awe

Piety Pointers

We could all use some. So here is my little list to share with you. Perhaps you have additional ones to add to this list. If so, please share with the group:

Have reverence for God by worshiping Him

By reverence, I mean to hold God in awe, recognizing His omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (all present) Being. Have respect for God, and all that He is, when worshipping Him. Be on time for church services. Dress modestly in church. Actively participate in church services (be fully present in mind and body). Revere the silence of… Read more…

What Does Being Pious Do For You?

pope francis

Pious – What’s it all about?

Pious must mean somebody else, and not you or me, right? Hmm…No, I’m talking to you and to myself. We all have the capability of being pious, because we have each been gifted with piety at our Confirmations, when the Holy Spirit descended upon each of us and bestowed His seven gifts, of which Piety is one of them. You say, “all well and good, but what’s in it for me to be holy, a.k.a. pious? How is being pious any fun?” Let me share with you Pope Francis’ brief catechesis on piety, and… Read more…

Do You Want to Go to Heaven?



How often do you think about it? Do you ever wonder what it is going to be like? Mansions in the sky? A feast to top all feasts? Whatever your concept of Heaven might be, there is something that you need to be working on right now if you ever want to see it: developing the virtue of Piety, in the here and now. Piety is both a gift from the Holy Spirit and a virtue. To be pious, or in other words, to possess piety, means that you are holy, or saintly, in your thoughts words and deeds.

Do you think of others’ needs and address them before your own? Do you speak well of others, and of God, or… Read more…

Bias: We Are All Guilty!

purple hair

Bias serves no good purpose. To be biased means to have preconceived notions, or prejudices; in essence to pre-judge someone based upon their looks, words and/or actions. Therefore, bias is the opposite of disinterestedness. We are all guilty of some degree of bias. Sometimes, to remove bias from our lives, we need to step outside of our comfort zones, and open our minds and hearts to others.

How often do you avoid talking to someone that you don’t know well, just because of their looks, assuming that you have nothing in common? Ever hear the phrase, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover?’ Well, here’s a great example… Read more…

Objective? Why Should I Be Objective?



You mean that I can’t hold onto my ulterior motives? I can’t remain partisan? I can’t retain my prejudices? I can’t be self-righteous and pass judgment upon all those who cross my path? The answer is “no:” Plain and simple! When you do these things you stunt your own growth. In our humanity, we are all quick to judge others by how a person looks, speaks and acts. It is very difficult to stay objective and refrain from passing judgment. Yet that is exactly what we are all called to do.

When our actions are based on ulterior motives… Read more…

Virtue of Disinterestedness? What’s That?

Guardini quote

Disinterestedness is one of the least known virtues. I have to admit, until I had read Father Romano Guardini’s book, Learning the Virtues That Lead You to God, I had never heard of it. So let’s start with a definition. Look in any dictionary and you will find definitions such as an absence of interest; objectivity; unbiased. So how does that make disinterestedness a virtue? Father Romano Guardini shows how:

The more we seek to gain our own ends, the more the other person closes up and is put on the defensive. But the more clearly he perceives that… Read more…