Unselfishly Give to Others: Easy or Hard to Do?


Unselfishly giving to others – Do you find it easy or hard to do? If you are like me, you might find it hard to do, all the time. That is because in our society, we are wired to “take care of number 1,” especially in the world of business. We tend to transcend that thought process into our personal lives. How contrary this thought process is to how Christ would like for us to behave as Christians!

Christ’s message was clear. When He taught us to pray the Our Father, he taught us to say, “Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven.” Every time we say the Our Father, we are surrendering our will to the Father by aligning our will with that of the Father. Have you ever looked at the words of the Our Father in this way? Do we really mean what we say when we pray the Our Father? God reads the heart. He knows the truth. If we mean what we say, then acting unselfishly should come easy to us. However, if we have reservations about completely submitting to the will of the Father, then acting unselfishly might not be that easy for us. For many of us it is difficult to let go and let God’s will be done.

So, if we would like to truly act unselfishly, on a more consistent basis, how can we accomplish that? Here are a few practical suggestions to get you started: Read more…

Why Be Selfless? Where Does It Get You?


Why be selfless? As Christians, we are called to imitate Christ to the best of our abilities. Christ was completely selfless, when He allowed Himself to be mocked, scourged and crucified – all for the love of humankind; obedient to the Father’s will to the end. Prior to His Passion and death, Jesus said, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).

Now, He is not necessarily calling us to lay down our lives for our friends literally. He is however, calling us to imitate Him in how He obeyed His Father. “He emptied himself” (Phil 2:7) to become human and did not regard Himself in equality with the Father (Phil 2:6). Jesus submitted His will to that of the Father. He calls us to do the same. This means that we are… Read more…

Is Selfish Behavior Harming You?

Unselfishness 1

Is selfish behavior harming you? The answer is yes, of course. But, do you know why it harms you? Selfish behavior robs you of becoming your true self, the person that God wants you to be. When we listen only to ourselves and do only what we want, we close ourselves off to blessings and lessons of life. Father Romano Guardini explains it well in his book, Learning the Virtues That Lead You to God:

“As soon as the person fixes his eye upon himself, he fills the mental space, so to speak, in which a portion of life is to take place; he gets in the way of his own realization” (p. 154).

Imagine what it would be like to meet Jesus at your own personal judgment, and hear Him say…Read more…