Road to Purity – The Road Less Traveled


The road to purity (holiness) is paved with repentance, leading us away from sin. The virtues are our guideposts on our journey, so that we know we are heading in the right direction. Prayer and receipt of the sacraments are our fuel. The Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes are the laws of the road. The Bible is our roadmap that helps us plot our course. Our own bodies are our mode of transportation. If we were smart, we would put Jesus in the driver’s seat!

Where are we headed? Why Heaven of course! From the moment that God breathed life… Read more…

Pure Hearts – Light as a Feather!


Pure Hearts mean light burdens, for it is sin that burdens and chains us down. With pure hearts we are free from sin. We are light as a feather! Jesus said, “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for … my yoke is easy, and my burden light” (Matthew 11:28-30). Here Jesus speaks of the yoke of obedience, telling us that our lives would actually be much happier if we were to align our intellects and wills with His; that life would be… Read more…

Pure Heart – Holy Heart!

pure heart

Pure hearts are holy hearts! When your heart is pure, it is clean and this means that your soul is free from sin. You are united with Christ; conformed to Christ, and act in a Christ-like manner. To be of this stature you must have a pure heart, a holy heart, a heart like Jesus’ heart. Might sound impossible, right, given humankind’s propensity to sin?

Jesus reminds us in the Beatitudes:

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8).

News flash! If we want to experience eternal life in Heaven, in the presence of God,… Read more…