How to Be Meek AND Effective!

Meek for a week

Meek AND effective – sounds contradictory doesn’t it? Well not so. There are many ways that we can demonstrate being meek without losing the competitive edge. If you think being meek is weak, then I challenge you to be meek for a week! Here are just a few things that you can try, and after doing so, I would love to hear back from you on what reactions you may have noticed from others, given your change in behavior:

  1. Put others at ease. – Be friendly. Create a vibe where others feel welcome to approach you. Body English speaks volumes!
  2. Be mild mannered. – Be docile in your behavior. Keep your emotions on an even keel.
  3. Listen and let others speak. – Restrain yourself from cutting in on conversations because you need to be heard. Give others the floor. You just might learn something valuable.
  4. Read more…

Assertive Vs. Meek: The Winner Is…?


Assertive vs. Meek

It sounds like a boxing match, with assertive highly favored over meek, doesn’t it? Hmmm – This is not always the case. It depends upon the situation. There are times when assertive behavior is appropriate. For example: Speaking up for the unborn gives voice for those who would otherwise not be heard. Being assertive in this instance would be a good thing. However, there are times when it is best to be meek, rather than assertive.

To be assertive actually means one is self-confident, self-assured and firm. However, the word has taken on a surly meaning when a person uses assertiveness to be forceful, pushy or aggressive. When acting in the former, being assertive is appropriate. When acting in the latter, meekness would be a better avenue to take.

Meekness is not being weak, shy, or quiet as a mouse for fear of offending someone. No, meekness is…Read more…