Meatless Friday Recipe: Cod Piccata

While I try not to serve extravagant seafood (such as shrimp) during Lent, I do make an effort to serve meatless dishes my family will enjoy. I based this recipe on a favorite chicken piccata dish. Cod is inexpensive; I purchase it in individually-quick-frozen portions when it’s on sale.

cod piccata W

You can find the recipe and nutrition facts for Cod Piccata here.

Don’t forget to donate the savings from your simple Lenten meal to a worthy cause such as CRS Rice Bowl or a local food pantry or soup kitchen!

© 2015 Barb Szyszkiewicz. All rights reserved.

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Barb Szyszkiewicz is a Secular Franciscan wife and mom of 3. Held together by the grace of God, coffee and crazy glue, she blogs at