Adventure for Faith, Hope and Charity

FHC Cover Reveal

Adventure it was for Faith, Hope and Charity Livingstone (my three main characters in my new book) as the girls made their debut visit at a book signing this past weekend. My husband and I had a blast meeting people from all walks of life at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church’s World Feast. The weather wasn’t very cooperative, (lots of rain) and thusly, attendance was down, but that didn’t stop the festivities. There was great food, games and entertainment for one and all – a true family entertainment experience. We had an open house for our new parish office building too! Lots going on.

I was so blessed to be… Read more…

Be Patient! Just Be Patient!

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Be Patient! Just Be Patient! Oh my goodness – how many times have you heard that line, or better yet, delivered that line to your children? If you are like me, you have heard it over and over again; and if a mom or dad, delivered it over and over again. However, that is exactly what we need to do; be patient and let things work themselves out in accordance with God’s will and His timeline. He calls us to stick with it and persevere. How can we even think of persevering (another virtue) without patience? If we become impatient… Read more…

Waiting on the Lord! Tick-Tock!

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Waiting on the Lord can be tough at times, especially in times of stress. Waiting on the Lord to provide sustenance, or direction, can seem like suffering in itself. Whether it is periods of unemployment, or waiting for medical results, the clock ticks slowly and it is easy for impatience to surface.

Patience requires an ability to corral our emotions, exercising composure and self-control (another virtue and fruit of the Holy Spirit). Saint Francis de Sales stated it best regarding why we should embrace patience, when he said:

…the more perfect our patience, the more perfectly do we possess our… Read more…

Patience in an Up-Tempo World


Patience in an up-tempo world – what a contradiction! The technology advances of the 20th century created an expectation for obtaining things NOW. With that, the virtue of patience seems to have fallen by the wayside. Does anyone even remember what it was like to be patient? Remember when you had to wait for the new school year to start to get some new clothes and shoes? Or do you remember waiting until your birthday to get that toy you really wanted? Or best yet, do you remember in the “olden” days when you actually waited until you saved… Read more…