Messy and Foolish by Matthew Warner
*disclaimer – I get free stuff to review. It is a great blessing. This book included!
Discover the art of making a “mess,” being a “fool”, and evangelizing the world. We shouldn’t have to tell people we’re Christians. It should be obvious by the way we live our lives. Learn how to live that radical, meaningful, and joyful life. ~ about, Messy and Foolish
My Review:
- IT is a small book. I like small books. Get to the point and do it in the shortest amount of time – life is busy. Check!
- Build the idea of your book on the words of Pope Francis. I like Pope Francis. Talk about getting to the point! I was on Copacabana Beach at World Youth Day, 2013, when Papa Francisco said, “Go!…the experience of this encounter must not remain locked up in your life or in the small group of your parish, your movement, or your community. I want a mess. I want people to go out!” Check!
- Remind people they have been commissioned by their Baptism to share the good news, to be heralds of the Gospel – that it is not just for their benefit. In fact, if we are not willing to take bold risks -to be MESSY & FOOLISH, the fire ignited by Jesus Passion will be extinguished. … but wait there is MUCH much more… read the rest of my review here!
All rights reserved Allison Gingras, 2016