From this website , found on Pinterest, we found inspiration to make a Lorax craft.
Make sure to open the link above to see instructions I did not include here.
First, my daughter and my mother collected craft supplies. A piece of cardboard for the base…green construction paper…paper for a path….foam shapes….clay….popsicle sticks…pipe cleaner….yarn….glitter glue.
After wrapping the cardboard in green paper and cutting a winding trail out of black construction paper, my mother helped my daughter glue foam pieces onto the trail to look like a cobblestone path.
This wasn’t in the movie, but any chance to use more glue was fun for my daughter!
To make the tree trunks, we used popsicle sticks . Pipe cleaners created the look of the stripes and helped to grab the “Truffula Tufts.”
Here, we have sunk the sticks into mounds of clay that she then painted with green glitter glue.
We realized she even had tiny bears that she could include to replicate the movie, now all we need is a little Lorax.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
-The Lorax by Dr. Seuss