When was the last time someone mistaken you for Jesus?
It is Ash Wednesday and this year our Adult Faith Formation group is doing Lent a little different, we are reading Mathew Kelly’s book Rediscover Jesus. It’s a series of short readings, intended to open our heart and minds to the ‘person’ Jesus. We have decided to do it in retreat form. Please feel free, at anytime, to join us.
The Prologue
As I begin reading, I am immediately drawn into the scene. The hustle and bustle of the city, the excitement of doing well, the celebration with colleagues and the anticipation of getting home to share the good news. It looks like God smiling down, you know one of those days where everything seems to being going right and you are top of the world. Your heart is enlarged, everything is possible….sun is shining ….life is good!!!
That’s how it made me feel, I guess that’s the point. God gives us those days to strengthen us, edify us, give us hope, to know that He is near and that all is well. Continue Reading