During Lent we are taking time as a part of our homeschooling to focus on the three areas of Lenten focus: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. The first area that we have been focusing on is PRAYER!
First of all, at the beginning of Lent we all learned The Lent Song from Catholic Icing. We love it because it was easy to learn and explains the meaning of Lent in easy ways for kids to understand!
“Prayer, Fasting, and Alms Giving,
We are meant, to repent.
40 days of sacrifice,
Being super, extra nice,
This is Lent. This is Lent.”
(Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Our Regular Prayer Schedule is woven within our homeschool and daily schedule. It usually looks like this:
Mom: Daily Readings, Spiritual Reading and Journaling (Usually about 30 minutes, hopefully before the kids wake up!)
Family: Morning Offering and Learning about the Saint of the Day (usually at the breakfast table)
Angelus at Lunch Time
Decade of the Rosary with Holy Heroes CD’s after Homeschool and Nap Time
Meal Times:
Prayer Before and After meals
Our Father/Hail Mary/Glory Be
Prayers of Intention
We are also adding the Daily Examen and Learning the Act of Contrition
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Nicole Ernest is loving living out her vocations as a Catholic wife and mother. Nicole resides in Nebraska with her husband and their lovable, energy filled boys. Nicole shares about living the liturgical year, homeschooling and marriage/ family life at her blog Children of the Church. Nicole is thrilled to be a part of Catholic Blogger Network!