Joy Defined – Joy Awaits You

Are you searching for true joy? Has joy been missing from your life, or that of a loved one?

Joy is both a virtue and a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It provides an experience of happiness parallel to nothing else; a sense of deep contentment and satisfaction.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI shared his thoughts on this virtue in his 2012 address at World Youth day, where he stated, Read more…

Poor and Homeless Need Compassion

What can be done to alleviate the suffering of the poor and homeless? How can one person make a meaningful difference? Caring for the poor and homeless requires that we first acknowledge that the poor and homeless exist and need assistance from you and me. Leaving the task to someone else means that we lack compassion and have only pity.

Watch this very interesting, short video, from the New York City Rescue Mission. It has received over 5 million views. I hope it has the same affect on you that it had on me: to raise your self-awareness of the plight of the poor and homeless. Read more at…

Advent Link-Up: Week THREE

It’s Gaudete or Bambinelli Sunday! Welcome to the THIRD WEEK of our Advent Link-Up!



Please be sure to link up your best Catholic posts published this week…and visit the other Catholic posts linked, comment on them and share!

We will be accepting nominations for Best Commenter! If you notice a Catholic Blogger who often comments on your posts or on FB and other social media with meaningful comments and shares YOUR posts…please nominate them here in the comments!

If YOU are commenting on another Catholic Blog and would like to subtly identify yourself as a Catholic Bloggerand possibly set yourself up for a nomination…please sign off your comment mentioning that you are a Catholic Blogger (“Advent Blessings from another Catholic Blogger”, etc)….or on social media…you could use #CBN. Thanks!

There will be prizes for the winning Best Commenter!

Introducing A Vibrant, Catholic Children’s Magazine Appealing to REAL Kids

If you ever dreamed of a Catholic magazine which would capture your children’s

interest immediately yet hold it as they delved deeper, look no further than St. Mary’s Messenger.

This attractive magazine, for 7-12-year-olds, entertains as it deepens faith at the same time.
Everything from the colour scheme, the layout and quality of images to the fascinating interactive fun pages tell me that professional staff, who also understand children, put this publication together.
 The editors and writers must be parents and/or teachers because they  know what appeals to real kids. Kids can smell a phony, pious publication a mile away, but the tone of St. Mary’s Messenger is direct and unpretentious with a  vibrant spirituality that connects with real kids.

Melanie Jean Juneau is wife and mother of nine children. The very existence of a joyful mother of nine children seems to confound people. Her writing is humorous and heart warming; thoughtful and thought provoking with a strong current of spirituality running through it. Part of her call and her witness is to write the truth about children, family, marriage and the sacredness of life.She blogs at joy of nine9 and mother of nine9 

Sense & Sensuality

Sense & Sensuality

I reflect on what the short Catholic Epistle of St Jude the Apostle teaches us. Considering in particular the path dominated by sensuality and that dominated by the spirit. With a digression, courtesy of Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, on the subject of the right use of Scripture as opposed to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura

Because I have a short attention span I’ve always had a soft spot for the Very Small Books in the Bible. I’m especially fond of the Old Testament books of Ruth and of Jonah. They are good stories and, apart from their religious content are full of little vignettes of human emotion from tender love to extreme crabbiness. The Very Small Books of the New Testament are more ‘difficult’ since they lack narrative and touch on deep spiritual and theological themes which you can’t really get to grips with unless you have a good working knowledge of the ideas contained in the rest of the NT. Nonetheless the Catholic Epistle of St Jude the Apostle has several things going for it, its only 25 verses long, it illustrates the wheat and tares parable of our Lord and it is attributed to the patron saint of lost causes who is an appropriate patron for this little cottage blog that dreams of international stardom.

Essentially the letter concerns the presence within the body of Christ of those who do not truly belong to it….

Compassion for the Sick and Elderly

How can you support the sick and elderly by alleviating their suffering and pain? There are several ways to accomplish this that are up for discussion today. As with all acts of compassion, there are differing degrees of commitment of your time, talent and treasure that can be spent on the sick and elderly. I’ll start with the easy ways, and work my way up to the intense means of acting with compassion. Read more…

Laughing, Loving, and Crying Through 36 Years of Marriage: 10 Years & Then Some

Melanie Jean Juneau 10 & Then bio picMy husband and I answered 5 questions about marriage for Karee Santos on her blog, Can We Cana? A Community to Support Catholic Marriages. This post was part of a series.
Today we welcome Michael and Melanie Jean Juneau to the series How to Stay Married 10 Years & Then Some. Michael and Melanie live on a small family farm in Canada, where they raised their nine kids. I know Melanie from her excellent work at the Association of Catholic Women Bloggers and through her prolific writing. Today Michael and Melanie explain how suffering doesn’t have to crush a marriage, instead it can lead to great joy!
1. How many years have you been married and how many kids do you have?
We have been married for 36 years, and we are still in love. Surprisingly, we really have become one, deeply in tune with each other’s spirits. Our tangible joy is inexplicable through secular eyes because from all outward appearances our life together has been a tough journey including poverty, nine kids, overwhelming chores on a small family farm and clinical depression.
One priest gently consoled us by explaining we have lived through “trials by fire.” Another friend, not given to dramatics, once pointed out to my adult children,“You do not realize it, but your parents have suffered deeply.” I have a running joke on the typical marriage vow about for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I say, “Well, we’ve seen worse, poorer and sickness and we are more than ready for better, richer and health.” Then I dissolve into gales of laughter.

Melanie Jean Juneau is wife and mother of nine children. The very existence of a joyful mother of nine children seems to confound people. Her writing is humorous and heart warming; thoughtful and thought provoking with a strong current of spirituality running through it. Part of her call and her witness is to write the truth about children, family, marriage and the sacredness of life.She blogs at joy of nine9 and mother of nine9 

Support Local Children – Practice Compassion

How do you support local children? Where are the opportunities in your neighborhood or state to act with compassion? How can you enter the sphere of suffering to do what you can to alleviate that suffering, without forming judgment? Keep in mind, that at times the call to compassion may take little effort, and then again, sometimes the Lord is calling some of us to do what we think might be daunting. With that in mind, I’ll start with the easy suggestions and work my way up to the daunting ways in which you can support local children: …Read more

Sock Baby Jesus in a Clementine Crate Crib with No Mess String Straw

Easy craft with a clementine crate, fabric scraps, a single white sock, an elastic, a sharpie and some yellow yarn!

We now have an empty crib …to fill with no mess straw yarn with each good deed, sacrifice or prayer.


We have an adorable Sock Jesus ready to appear on Christmas Eve.

Easy, cheap and ADORABLE!

Check it out at Equipping Catholic Families!

Sock Baby Jesus in a Clementine Crate Crib
and No Mess Straw…added this year!

Advent and the Problem of Suffering

Advent and the Problem of Suffering

Like many people December is for me a month when I call to mind the death of a loved one, my Mom passed away 7 December 1998. There is a sense that not being jolly at this time of year is a crime against the season. I reflect on how we can use the season of Advent as a time to prepare for the coming into our lives of Jesus, the healer of broken hearts