Prompt Me to Pray ~by Monica McConkey

I have realized that despite good intentions to practice the Presence of God, surrender to divine Providence and pray without ceasing, my human weakness gets in the way and sometimes I simply forget to pray. I struggle on my own, mistakenly thinking I can somehow keep control on my own strength, forgetting that I need to faithfully rely on Him, seek His Will and trust in Him to work through me.

I wrote Prompt Me to Pray, as I began to discover a practical plan for more consistent heartfelt prayer. By relying on visual cues, daily tasks, habits, and frequent events as prompts to pray, I can build a stronger habit of prayer. I can even use my littleness, my struggles and my sin as prompts to pray when I most need to!

By reflecting on the teaching of theology masters like Fr. Jean Pierre de Caussade, Brother Lawrence, Fr. Jacques Philippe, Fr. Jean d’Elbee, Fr. Michael Gaitley and St. Therese, I think I have found some ways to pursue more consistent prayer from the heart.

The book features different approaches to heartfelt prayer including journaling and praying out loud, both spontaneous and classic prayers. It also includes journaling pages with specific writing prompts and prayers to customize your own personal plan for prayer. It includes a prayer vault of classic prayers and templates of full color pocket prayer prompts.

The book presents the Practice of the Presence of God, Surrender to Divine Providence and the Sacrament of the Present Moment. It underlines the need for surrendering our concerns and truly trusting in God and pursuing His Will. It also addresses our human frailty and suggests ways to use even our human weakness to draw us closer to Jesus and prompt us to pray more consistently.

What’s Your Favorite Prompt to Pray?

Favorite Prompts to Pray

My favorite prompt to pray is the Rosary my son made for me that I keep in my pocket. Each time I search for spare change, my keys or a pen, my fingers touch the Rosary beads and I’m reminded of Christ’s Love for us, as well as of my son. ~Robert

I always make it a point to pray while I am pumping gas. ~AM

When I started your book, I didn’t think that I had a favorite prompt to pray but that afternoon when I got in my car, I automatically started to pray my rosary.  I do love to pray my rosary in the car!  ~Mary

Check out these Favorite Prompts to Pray by our Readers! over at Equipping Catholic Families



Have a LOOK INSIDE Prompt Me to Pray HERE

Purchase Prompt Me to Pray at Arma Dei:





What They’re Saying about Prompt Me to Pray

It is an irrefutable truth that the new evangelization in our time “depends in great part on the Church of the home.”
(St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 52).
Monica McConkey has been equipping Catholic families with creativity, fidelity, and fun for decades.
This little book is another gem in that arsenal! It is both simple in presentation and profound in content.
But be forewarned … it could change your life,
and the life of your domestic Church, in powerful and beautiful ways!
~Bishop Scott McCaig, C.C.
Military Ordinariate of Canada

This is a wonderful and practical book on how to practice the presence of God throughout the day. It is one thing to know that personal prayer is important and another thing to be given tools and tips on how to maintain our prayer life on a daily basis and especially throughout the busyness of our daily schedules.
Monica McConkey, a mother of five, has learned and developed these tools over many years of striving to be faithful to her relationship with the Lord throughout the day.
~Fr. Roger Vandenakker,
General Superior of the Companions of the Cross

If you long for a deeper spiritual life and a more vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, Monica McConkey’s wonderful work Prompt Me to Pray is the perfect companion for your journey.
By presenting practical prompts to pray, Monica provides a framework to help us encounter God’s presence not only in special moments of formal prayer but in the tiny tasks that fill our busy lives. Phenomenal!

~Lisa Hendey, Founder of
and author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms, The Handbook for Catholic Moms and The Grace of Yes

A Simple Method of Contemplative Prayer


The Method

*Adopt a comfortable posture with the spine as nearly straight as possible and the eyes open or half-closed.
*Form a specific intention for your period of prayer.
*Say to yourself or quietly an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. (the prayers mentioned can be found at CatholiCity dot com))
*Then with your indrawn breath say to yourself or out loud ‘Jesus’ and with your outward breath ‘Mary.’
*Persist in this for whatever time you have decided, I recommend not less than ten minutes and not more than forty-five.
*Finish with a Salve Regina/Hail Holy Queen and offer your thanks to God.

The Rationale

*There is nothing mystical about the posture. Its designed to be comfortable enough to hold for a reasonable length of time without being so comfortable that you fall asleep. If you prefer kneeling to sitting while you pray then do so.
*The intention transforms your action from a solitary one to a communal one. If you intend the spiritual benefits of your prayer to flow to the needs of the world, or the Church or your loved ones then it is not all about you. If your intention is to be strengthened in virtue then, again, the chief beneficiary of your good acts will not be yourself.
*Saying the prayers of the Church is not only a good thing in itself but, psychologically and physiologically it provides a bridge between whatever you were doing before to what you are about to do. It allows your body and mind to relax into their new activity.
*Jesus is the breath of life to us so invoking Him with our inspiration makes good sense. Mary is our mother, our fellow pilgrim, our good companion, so sending our respiration up to heaven with her for company also makes sense.
*Again the prayers at the end are good in themselves and, in the case of the Thanks Be To God, necessary, whilst also acting as a useful bridge…click here to read more


God isn’t frustrated with my spiritual state in life

St Francis and Jesus

Just like on that bus in Rome, the Lord answered a question rolling around forever in my heart. I didn’t even realize I was asking the question or how much I needed to hear the answer, but more articulately put than I could express…the words formed the realization while I prayed before Mass. I almost said it out loud…in surprise…

read more at Equipping Catholic Families


profile 2Monica McConkey is a Mom of 5, creator of Catholic teaching tools and gifts and she is the original founder of this website. She spends most of her time posting about crafts and family fun at Equipping Catholic Families


Power of Novena Prayer


Friday, I begin the Novena to St. Joseph, asking for his intercession to pray for me. St. Joseph is known for being a faithful servant to God, for his protection and caring for the infant Jesus throughout his life. I am trying to be faithful to Jesus’ call for me to be a public speaker for the Catholic faith. Who better to go to for encouragement and prayers said on my behalf, for the virtue of faithfulness, than the saint known for his faithfulness! This Novena culminates on the ninth day, which happens to be the Feast of St. Joseph (March 19th).

Saint Joseph is known to intercede on our behalf when looking for work, which I am doing as well, as a public speaker. I have firsthand testimony on the power of prayer regarding this Novena, when it comes to looking for work. This time last year, my husband Read more…

That Sinking Feeling? Keep Your Eye on Jesus, Not the Waves

This past weekend has been a field day for Catholics who seek to undermine trust in this Pope. With some ambiguous comments made during a press conference, his detractors seem determined to discredit his orthodoxy. It’s no doubt disturbing the faith of many. When people are coming out claiming that the Pope “taught” error on contraception or accusing him of supporting open borders across the US, the Catholic seeking to offer obedience to him are feeling beset on every side.

Doing the Office of Readings as I drove to work this morning, I felt a reminder of a different story of Peter than the ones covered. This one involves Matthew 14:22-33 and Jesus walking on water

Continued HERE

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena Starts Today!

I am so excited! Today marks the first day of the Saint Andrew Christmas novena! Today is the feast of Saint Andrew, a wonderful and powerful saint. He was a great Apostle and missionary of the Lord. He is mentioned several times in the gospel….Continue reading….

Saint Andrew, Pray for us!
Image by unknown author (13th Century) via Wikipedia, CCO Public Domain

Putting God First!

Putting God FirstHi Catholic Bloggers!

My friend Brittany from Equipping Godly Women is currently launching her brand new book, “Putting God First: How to Make God the #1 Priority in Every Area of Your Life.”

I’ve been reading her book before the official launch, and let me tell you, it’s really good! Whether you’re super busy, easily distracted or you simply haven’t made God the priority you know you should, “Putting God First: How to Make God the #1 Priority in Every Area of Your Life” is full of the encouragement and real-­life, practical tips you need to change that once and for all.

PLUS for a limited time only, “Putting God First” is FREE on Amazon!

 (Amazon Affiliate Link: thanks for your support!)

If you haven’t been making God the priority you should lately and you’d like to change that, you’ll definitely want to go grab this book!
Putting God First Amazon Circle