Zelie&Co Catholic Artisans are excited to partner with some of our Catholic Community’s most beloved Bloggers to support some amazing Catholic Charities!
Our Blogger-Partners include:
- Haley Stewart of Carrots for Michaelmas
- Mary Lenaburg of Passionate Perseverance
- Rosie Hill of A Blog for My Mom
- Kate Towne of Sancta Nomina
- Michaela Darr of California to Korea
- Dwija Borobia of House Unseen
- Gina Fensterer of Someday Saints
- Jenny of Mama Needs Coffee
- Nell O’Leary of Whole Parenting Family
- and Carolyn Svellinger of Svellerella
and our Catholic Artisans include:
- Shannon of Organic Mama’s Shop
- Jen of Faith and Fabric Design
- Nell of Whole Parenting Goods
- Rakhi of Rakstar Designs
- Monica of Equipping Catholic Families
- Annie of Annery’s Handmade
- Heather of Honeychild Forest
- Theresa of Happy Nest Home Goods
- Katrina of Hatch Prints Shop
- Jenna of Call Her Happy
and our Catholic Charities include:
- Tepeyac Family Center
- Mary’s Mantle
- Gianna of Albany
- St. Bryce Mission
- Catholic Relief Services
- Philomena House
- And Then There Were None
- Elizabeth’s New Life Center
- UnBound Ministries
Support these awesome Catholic Charities as part of your Almsgiving this Lent…
…and fill your Easter baskets at the same time!
Join us on Instagram on February 9th!