Lenten Almsgiving (to Catholic Charities) PLUS fill your Easter Basket…all in one go!

Join Us

Zelie & Co is a group of Catholic women artisans. They work collaboratively to support each other’s business growth, pray for each other, and offer weekly sales on Instagram @zelieandco. Their patron saint is St Zelie, lacemaker and mother of St Therese, the Little Flower.

Zelie&Co Catholic Artisans are excited to partner with some of our Catholic Community’s most beloved Bloggers to support some amazing Catholic Charities!

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Our Blogger-Partners include:

and our Catholic Artisans include:

and our Catholic Charities include:

Auction Feb9 2


Support these awesome Catholic Charities as part of your Almsgiving this Lent…

…and fill your Easter baskets at the same time!

Join us on Instagram on February 9th!



Reading to Children: Tops on My List!

Reading to the Children During Catholic Schools Week

Yesterday, I got to meet with 120 children at Saint Pius X Catholic School in Greensboro, NC. As part of the Catholic Schools Week festivities, I read my new book, Adventures of Faith, Hope, and Charity: Finding Patience to the Kindergartners, as well as the First and Second Graders. My thanks go out to Ann Knapke, Principal and Christina Foley, Librarian for a well planned visit. The students asked great questions during the Q&A periods. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching them about virtue; especially the virtue of patience.

What are we as adults doing to teach our children the virtues? Our behavior, as adults, serves as living examples to them. Many of you come to my website seeking advice on how to change your own behavior to become more virtuous. That’s a great place to start, but let’s not forget our children in the process. Read more…

I Knew Him in the Womb…



I just had to share with all of you the most amazing story of a young man that I know. Patrick Sewak is all of six years old, nearing seven. He is an extraordinary young man filled with virtue, and blessed by God; destined to become God’s servant. He is raised by his wonderful mother, Meris, and by his grandparents Mark and Bernadette.

Patrick is “different” from the average child, and I say that in a good way. He yearns to attend daily Mass with his grandmother. At home he “plays Mass.” This child knows the Eucharistic Prayer of Concentration at six years old! He has been assisting at Mass, as an altar server, since he was three years old. No one can ring the bells better than Patrick! He’s got the flick of the wrist down pat. He is astute; but more so, he is virtuous. Read more…

Calling ALL Catholic Mommy Bloggers! New Directory and Community!

Mommy Blogs

Would you like your Catholic Mom Blog promoted for FREE… no strings attached?

Join the new Catholic Mommy Blogs Directory and Community. (Coming really soon!)

Let’s grow our Catholic Mommy Blog corner of the Internet together!

Please email Lis at [email protected] for more information.

“Like” CMB on FB to hear when the site launches: CatholicMommyBlogs on Facebook

The Difference Between a Cafeteria Catholic and a Repentant Sinner

So, I saw on a blog the other day where the author was citing an authority for a moral issue. In this case the author was citing the SSPX and said that the SSPX was “for real about Church discipline” and he was willing to listen to them. On the other hand, the author has no respect for the teaching authority of the current Pope and the bishops. When someone called the author out of this, asking about the contradiction of the SSPX being disobedient, the author replied that the SSPX followed all pre-conciliar teachings and disciplines. To which the reply was “except obedience to the Pope.”

Now I’m not naming the blog or linking to the article in question, because the point of this article is not about condemning a person or article or website. Rather, watching this exchange, I found myself reflecting on the common epithet “Cafeteria Catholicism” and what distinguishes Cafeteria Catholicism from other people who find themselves running afoul of the Church. Are all of us Cafeteria Catholics on account of our sins? Or does the term reflect a specific mindset?

Continued HERE

Overlooking the Essentials: Reflections on the Negative Catholic Reaction to Pope Francis

With the Pope’s visit to the US, people—including Catholics—are scrutinizing his words to use them in order to justify their political positions. If the individual agrees with his words, he is a great Pope, while if they don’t, he is not. Unfortunately this mindset seeks to take the Pope’s words and cram them into a dualistic political mindset: “Either the Pope is conservative or liberal.”

On one hand, we get Nancy Pelosi’s reprehensible statement of “I actually agree with the pope on more issues than many Catholics who agree with him on one issue” where that “one issue” is abortion and St. John Paul II spoke of “Precisely in an age when the inviolable rights of the person are solemnly proclaimed and the value of life is publicly affirmed, the very right to life is being denied or trampled upon, especially at the more significant moments of existence: the moment of birth and the moment of death.” [John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae #18]—a pretty big disconnect. On the other hand, we get the accusation that the Pope is a liberal-leftist-marxist-who-should-stick-to-religion-and-not-get-into-politics (whew!) whenever he speaks on a topic they dislike.

[Continued HERE]

Super Saints:Kid-magnet quizzing cards and a #Giveaway chock full of Saints!

tiny saints super saints giveawayAnnouncing the #SuperSaints #TinySaints #Giveaway! There is still time to enter for your chance to win $100 in SAINTS prizes! Check out the Giveaway over at Equipping Catholic Families

The #Giveaway ends August 20th at 11pm!

Super Saints cover 54 CYMK

The #Giveaway celebrates the release of the Super Saints Cathletics Craft Kit available only at Equipping Catholic Families! It includes ALL 54 Saints cards featuring Kelly Saints and quick fun, quantifiable and comparable facts! Play  Super Saints Showdown (Top Trumps), Super Saints Stats, Memory or Go Fish! with your own sets of cards, printable at home or at your friendly Staples.

Holding out for the Ready-to-Play printed decks?

Check out our Project: Super Saints and consider helping us get these printed in time for World Meeting of Families! We appreciate it!

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Check out our own Super Saints Video with a Behind-the-Scenes look at the creation of these cards with the help of our own in-house artist, 16 year old Kelly!

Calling all Catholic Bloggers!

Catholic365.com is currently looking for  contributing writers!
calling Catholic Bloggers


Catholic365.com is a Catholic focused article and information portal by Catholic writers and bloggers who write about things Catholics are interested in, with 3 main categories – Faith, Life and What’s Going On, from a perspective consistent with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. We are also striving to spread the word and the Catholic faith by highlighting both the articles and the writers through internet and social marketing campaigns.


We are seeking Catholic perspective and original articles at Catholic365.com. We prefer original articles and writers retain the rights to all their work. Once published at Catholic365.com, writers can publish the same article elsewhere.

The article has to be the Author’s work. Catholic365.com occasionally  republishes articles from Authors’ personal blogs. If an article has been published elsewhere, the author would need to seek permission from the original publisher for republication on Catholic365.com.

There is no specific time frame for the submission of articles. Articles are published as they are received, usually within two weeks or so, depending on the volume of submissions. All of the Catholic365.com Authors are volunteers, assisting in this new tool for evangelization…

In exchange, Authors and their websites are promoted through the Author profile that accompanies each article.

Catholic365.com is growing with readers from 186 countries around the world!


You can check out additional Writer’s Guidelines here!

Please direct any questions to editor AT catholic365 DOT com and tell them you are a member of the Catholic Bloggers Network!




Catholic Business Directory and Exciting Catholic Giveaway!

Check out this NEW Catholic Business Directory, neatly categorized to help you find just what you’re looking for!

Catholic Giveaway

Each week a different Catholic Business will be featured on the site.

Almond Rod Toys


Check out the showcase on Almond Rod Toys and their lovely Saint focused Blessing Blocks!

Visit Shopping with Blessed Zelie Martin for your chance to win! $450 in awesome Catholic Gifts and Resources!