The Grace of Yes Lisa Hendey interview

lisa_hendey-e1413629086108PETE: Your new book, Grace of Yes, seems to have become a banner holder for a saying yes to God movement. Why is having the grace of yes so important in our lives?

LISA HENDEY: Thanks for inviting me into this conversation Pete.

The more work that I do around The Grace of Yes, the more I realize that my “Yes” to God is at the heart of my existence. Giving myself fully to God’s will for my life fuels my work, my relationships, my intellectual pursuits and the way I view the world around me. When I give a full and worthy “Yes”, it motivates me to live more generously in the world—to share the best of what God has blessed me with in a world greatly in need of love. Each of us has a unique “Yes”, but as Catholic Christians, we’re called to emulate our Blessed Mother’s “Fiat” in giving our lives to the service of God and others.

To read more of my interview with Lisa Hendey click here.

Review – The Grace of Yes: Eight Virtues for Generous Living

the_grace_of_yesEveryone during their lives is faced with an option. That option is whether we continue to do things for ourselves or we choose to do things for others is adherence to God’s will. In her new book The Grace of Yes: Eight Virtues for Generous Living author Lisa Hendey uses examples from her own life to show how we can make the right decision. Her approach is effective and leaves the reader with much to consider.

The book consists of eight chapters, one on each selected virtue the title alludes to. They are as follows:

The Grace of Belief

The Grace of Generality

The Grace of Creativity

The Grace of Integrity

The Grace of Humility

The Grace of Vulnerability

The Grace of No

The Grace of Rebirth

To read the rest of this review click here.