Calling All Prayer Warriors: We Need Your Help – We Need Your Support – We Need Your Blogs!

Friends, a plea….
A plea for help, for prayers and for financial support for a dear family 
who has struggled mightily and now,
They Really Need Us.

You know Mary Lenaburg, of
Of course you do!
We’ve been treated to her honesty, her candor,
her beautiful words.
We’ve been blessed with a
glimpse into her family.
We’ve been humbled and inspired by the  grace with which they’ve cared
for their lovely daughter, Courtney.
When one reads Mary’s blog, one is wrapped in
her  honesty, in the bringing – to – life of her blog title.
The Lenaburgs are indeed perseverant about their 
 love for each other and the  care and dignity  
 bestowed upon their beautiful Courtney.

Mary’s family has had a hard road, a road which is about to get harder.
Warriors, we need to fight the good fight and 
 cover the Lenaburgs in prayer.
AND, if there’s something tangible you feel able
 to offer, please consider clicking to
the gofundme page that 
 we, here at The Catholic Bloggers Network , set up.

If you are a blogger, please know that 
we need help spreading this word.
 In the spirit of utilizing our blogs as instruments of communication to not only evangelize, but spread the generosity and beauty of our Catholic faith, we really need MANY  to join a huge promotional effort.
On the CBN Facebook page,  we are now a group of over 1,000 members!!  We’d like to to have as many bloggers ] as possible spreading the word about the  gofundme acct that’s been set up for the Lenaburg  family. 
Here’s what you awesome bloggers  can do:
1. Please mention our gofundme account in an upcoming blog post
The link to the account page, again, is right here.
2. Please include a link to Mary’s blog, which is AWESOME and which will introduce readers who do not know her, to her family.  Here’s Mary’s  blog….. Passionate Perserverance

3. Pray, pray pray pray.
The following  Catholic bloggers have  shared, encouraged and spread the word~~
Please go read Tracy‘s, Laura‘s  and Emily‘s posts.
You’ll be moved.

AND our fund is doing beautifully thanks to their efforts!!

Let’s spread the word far, wide and fast.
You. Are. The. Best.

And hey, remember what Pope Francis said about
 the internet being used as a force for good?????

 The Internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. 
This is something truly good, a gift from God. —
Pope Francis

There ya go.
Papa has spoken.
As for me, I can say it’s an honor 
to heed his words along with you good people.

Thank you!
Until next time,

 Campfires and Cleats

Catholic Bloggers Network Share-A-Thon (Giveaway) $350 in Prizes Ends 2/27/12

Here it is! The first ever Catholic Bloggers Network  Colossal   Giveaway. Prizes total over $350 (with shipping) and up to 16 winners!

What are we giving away?

Thanks to all of the participating Blogs!

Miracoli Rosaries
Mountain of Grace
Ladies Of Our Lady: Denver
Mountaineer Country
Hair Bows 4 Life Bowtique
A Slice of Smith Life
Happy Saints
From The Pews
Catholic Homeschool Support
Through My “I”s

Our Village is a Little Different
Blossoming Joy
My Life’s a Treasure

The Rosary Chick

Crafolic ~ Catholic Crafts and More!

Day by Day in Our World

A Catholic Life

Equipping Catholic Families (Arma Dei)

Homeschooling With Joy

Raising {& Teaching} Little Saints

How do you enter?  Please follow the Rafflecopter form below!  Each action is worth a certain number of entries….Best of luck!


a Rafflecopter giveaway
<a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

What does Choice REALLY Mean?


Catholic Bloggers 4 LIFE! 
What does CHOICE really mean?

If any of you blog about pro-life issues, here’s a great opportunity.Jill Stanek has offered to link any pro-life blogs to hers if you post about”Ask Them What They Mean by ‘Choice'”
today, Sunday, January 22  on the 39th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.

“…But last year pro-lifers banded together on our blogs, their blogs, Facebook, and Twitter to cut through their ambiguous chatter with the disquieting question,
“What do you mean when you say, ‘choice’?”…”

How to Add Comments to Pages on Blogger

Welcome to the Blog Academy!

Problem:  So you set your blog up and added pages (not regular blog posts) but instead pages and created the nice row of tabs up top (you also have the option to place them on the side bar but you can’t seem to allow visitors to comment on these pages?

Solution:  Here is a step by step solution to adding comments to your pages on Blogger.:

1.  Make sure you are signed in (upper right-hand corner), if you aren’t do so now.

2.  Click on Design.

3.  Next click on Posting (upper left-hand corner of the tabs).  It looks like this:

4.  Click on Edit Pages.

5.  Underneath the title of each page you will see three options, select “Edit”.

6.  Now look at the bottom of the page, you will see the Orange “Publish Page” button, right above it, are the words, “Post Options” click on that.  It looks like this:

7.  Where it says, “Readers Comments” on the left, select: “Allow”.

8.  Then click on “Publish Page”.  You should get a confirmation that says, Your page was published successfully!”

9.  If you would like to add comments to other pages, repeat steps #1-8 above.  (You could also verify that this is working properly on your blog by clicking on, “View Page”.

If you run into any problems, please leave a comment below and we’ll get back with you ASAP.  We hope this little tutorial has helped you with your blog today.  Thank you for visiting us.

Erika @ Blog Academy Team

Vatican encourages priests to use the Internet

The Popes message for the 44th World Communications Day will be published on the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of journalists. This message, which falls within the Year for Priests, has as its theme: The priest and pastoral ministry in a digital world: new media at the service of the Word. Jean-François Mayer, director of the Religioscope Institute, based in Frieburg, Switzerland, explained that the message is in part dedicated to the Internet and the Churchs reflection on its use.The Catholic Church, for some time now, has demonstrated a great interest in the Social Communications Media, to which the Internet has been included. In this regard, the Church has published important documents that reflect on the use of the Internet and the Churchs presence on the Internet.However, the Church does not simply survey the Internet and reflect on the possible uses of these new networks — from the Vatican to the laity, and including priests, she is equally involved. On the one hand, there are official initiatives: there is the very important Vatican website, which was developed on the initiative and encouragement of John Paul II, as well as diocesan websites. Likewise, there are many personal initiatives from different groups from within the Catholic Church, and from individuals — for example, the expansion of blogs that are run by priests.According to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, this years message invites priests to consider the new media as a powerful resource for their ministry in the service of the Word and encourages them to address the challenges that arise from the new digital culture.

Pope Benedict XVIs message on the 44th annual World Day for Social Communications

The internet has revolutionized the world of communications. Thats why the pope says he wants Catholics to stay ahead of the times and learn how to spread their message efficiently and effectively though digital media.

Mons. Paul Tighe
Secretary, Pontifical Council for Social Communications
The pope very clearly last year had said that the digital continent the probably there are people in the best position to be evangelized.

For the last 44 years, the pope has sent a special message to journalist on World Day for Social Communications.

Mons. Paul Tighe
Secretary, Pontifical Council for Social Communications
The world communication day was born as a decision taken in the Second Vatican Council to put a new emphasis in the importance of communications in the life of the Church.

This years theme is “The priest and the pastoral ministry in the digital world: new media at the service of the Word”. It specifically makes reference to the Year for Priests, but its for all Christians to celebrate.

Mons. Paul Tighe
Secretary, Pontifical Council for Social Communications
This message always address to the completely whole Christian community, maybe focus the attention to a particular group but its a message that intended an universal relevance.

But the message is already being implemented by means of web sites such as Vatican.Va, or The Vatican regularly uploads the latest news and activities surrounding the Pope.

For those who want to get to know Pope Benedict XVI a little better, over the past couple of years other initiatives have also come to life, such as independent websites like or whats considered the Catholic version of Facebook, XT3.

For these websites and the rest, the pope is urging to practice professionalism and to remember religious information is just as important in the headlines as the rest.

Headlines on religious information turned into specialized journalism using the latest technological tools, a way to take the Christian message to cyberspace.