the NEW Catholic Bloggers Ticker! Catholic Blog Button Exchange

Do you have a Catholic Blog? Would you like more followers and subscribers, but you’re not really convinced that purchasing an ad on other blogs will really be worth a monthly fee?

The Catholic Bloggers Network is offering a FREE venue to exchange buttons…basically exchanging advertising!  Join the Catholic Bloggers Ticker!
There are only 20 spaces available!…join the link up TODAY!
Please link only one blog per Catholic Blogger! Thanks!

There is only ONE rule:
As an exchange, you must be willing to display the Catholic Bloggers Ticker on your Catholic Blog.  This is the string of little Catholic Blog Buttons with direct links to these awesome Blogs.  Once you add your own Catholic Blog to the link-up, your button will appear in the random order, on all of these blogs, including your own.


We have discovered that the Ticker is difficult to add to WordPress blogs. We have created a different button for our WordPress friends and ask them to link to our community page.

Below, you will find the html code for the Catholic Bloggers Ticker.  You can add this to your Catholic Blog, by copying it and pasting it into an html gadget.  It looks pretty cool as a horizontal string, but it will also fit in a side margin.

<!– start InLinkz script –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
                document.write(‘<script type=”text/javascript” src=’ + new Date().getTime() + ‘”></script>’);</script>
<!– end InLinkz script –>

If you do not display the Catholic Bloggers Ticker on the main page of your blog, your Catholic Blog button will be deleted from the collection, freeing up a space for another Catholic Blogger.  If you discover a Blog that is included in the collection but does not display the Catholic Bloggers Ticker, please email
mmcconkey A rogers D com. (A means @, D means dot)

This is an experiment!  If anyone has any idea how to improve the Catholic Bloggers Ticker, please let us know.  We also reserve the right to discontinue this feature if it becomes too difficult to manage.

Are you displaying the Catholic Bloggers Ticker in the layout of your Catholic Blog?  If yes, join the link up here!


7 thoughts on “the NEW Catholic Bloggers Ticker! Catholic Blog Button Exchange

  1. Thank you for this great idea! I have added the ticker to my blog. I hope to create a button for my blog soon – which I will share with you.

    1. Also the computer states I am already part of the community of Catholic Bloggers but I checked three times and I am missing. Is this because you were looking at my secular blog?

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