Welcome Jackie from My Catholic Family Circus

Hi my name is Jacqueline, everyone who is near and dear calls me by nickname: Jackie. I am a very blessed wife and mommy with many job hats that works for Free, but barters with hugs and kisses, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

I am a homeschooling stay at home mommy to 5 Lil’ Rascals for 10 years and schooling for 4 years. We also have a lil’ Baby Love angel up in Heaven above who sadly died of fetal demise in February 2008. Our extended pet family includes 2 cats Valentino and Tigger, and one cutie beagle Buster Brown. I have been married to my soul mate, best friend and husband Dennis for 11 years and blessed to know his beautiful soul for 14 years and counting.

Before my blessed mommy years I worked and aspired in a career in marketing. For 10 years I worked as a graphic and web designer and then as a project marketing consultant and analyst for several New Jersey and New York advertising agencies as well as newspapers in the tri-state area. I use my God-given talent and background in business to help me with my homeschool and mothering ministry. For a while, in my early mommy years I thought I was totally useless to the working world, but I slowly realized with help from many of my favorite Catholic authors and bloggers that this was not the case. God is awesome and He had a very definitive purpose for my life,whether in my career or as a mother. My background in business has helped me to organize and fulfill happiness in my domestic church (aka- my home) as well to properly organize my children in homeschooling and extracurricular activities. Because of the many online mommy blogs I read, I was able to learn about this beautiful and divine ministry of mothering and get out of my slump.

My personal goal with my family blog is to chronicle my Catholic family trying to live the word of God everyday through His grace and infinite wisdom. Life is supposed to be messy, and not perfect. I hope to chronicle the good times with the bad, and also to be able to payback forward and mentor those who are just walking into the divine and heavenly trenches of mommy hood, as it was done to me early in my mommy stages. It’s a beautiful ministry made from the hand of God. Our American culture is too quick in giving our mothering ministry a bad name. In time and with God’s grace, we as mother’s have to realize that we are not in control.

One day at a time, one thing at a time is my piece of advice to any mom in need of spiritual uplifting, and it may sound silly but always try to have God on your mind when you drink that glass of water.  It’s simple lil’ thing I do often during the day. I am always thankful to God, but the only time I have for prayer is when I drink a glass of water, and it’s for 1 minute, if that! =) As a mommy we will have our good and bad days. On those bad days with the kids frayed on your nerves and the house messy and husband getting at your last lil’ nerve, PRAY. It works and keeps you sane and happy. I truly believe it’s our divine vitamin from God.

It’s a hard walk at times to be a good mother and wife in this crazy world, but with Love and Faith and lots of Laughter, anything is possible with God! May the new bloggers joining this new network find comfort and mentoring in your words and life. May God bless you and find happiness in this new and beautiful Catholic Bloggers Network. Until next time…

Welcome! Part II

Welcome to the Contibutor Pages!

 If you would like to be a regular contributor to these pages, please respond with comments on this post mentioning your Catholic blog address and your email address.

For the time being, we have decided not to create a schedule for posting. 
To give everyone a chance to post, here are a few guidelines:

1. Be brief!  We are happy to help you increase traffic on your site!  Please post only 1-2 photos and a brief summary of your post,  with a link to your complete blog post. 
You can include the following: “Read the entire story at {hyperlinked blogname}” 
(The hyperlink should be the address of the full post on your blog, not the general blog address that links to your home page.)
With shorter entries, readers can skim through many more posts on the one Contributor page and will refer to individual blogs for more information…increasing traffic to your site!
2. Please post only ONCE a week in your category* to give others a chance! We plan to have special link-ups on specific Feastdays, so that everyone can share their Feastday posts, particularly on the  Homeschooling, Crafts, Traditions and the Liturgical Calendar contributor page. 
*If your category is Catechism/Apologetics or Scripture, Sunday Readings and Homilies, you can probably link more often, as there are fewer contributors in these categories.
3.  Please have at least one clearly visible Catholic Bloggers Network button on the home page of your blog.  If you’d like to include a link at the end of the post on your blog, we’d appreciate that too!
4. Try to include a signature biography with a photo (or blog button). 
Until we figure out how to make a template for these, this is mine. 
I’m Monica and I am a wife, a Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic!  My husband and I founded a Catholic apostolate called Arma Dei (Armor of God; Ephesians 6:13-17) creating solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith. I like to post about these family-building and Faith-centred crafts on EquippingCatholicFamilies.com ! 


This is where we post about Homeschooling, Crafts & Traditions…
and the Seasons and Feastdays of the Liturgical Calendar!

If you would like to be a contributor to this page,
please leave your email address and Catholic blog address in the comments below!

We’re sure that we don’t really need to write this, but…
Please kindly remember…This blog attempts to post only material and ideas that are in conformity with the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture, the Apostolic See, and Catholic Tradition. Anything that is contrary to the aforementioned is accidental and unintentional and will likely be removed.
If you happen to find a contrary post linked to the Catholic Bloggers Network
…please contact us so that we can address it appropriately.
Monica {at} ArmaDei {dot} com  OR   RaisingLittleSaints  {at}gmail {dot} com

If you would like a steady stream of posts about Homeschooling, Crafts & Traditions

…and the Liturgical Calendar, please subscribe to these posts by RSS
or follow by email!