Welcome Catholic Bloggers!

Welcome to the Catholic Bloggers Network!
Don’t forget to LINK your BLOG
We have over 600 Catholic Blogs linked so far!
You can add your social media links too!
Please do us a favor and subscribe here!
We have been doing some maintenance work…and we’re not sure if it’s working.
Could you leave a comment and tell us if you were able to subscribe and which reader/email you chose?
Join us for the CURRENT 
that’s happening right now!
…and remember that you can link up your Catholic posts EACH MONTH!
(in these categories:)
Readings and Reflections, 
Catechism and Apologetics, 
Homeschooling and the Liturgical Calendar, 
Catholic Family Journal
…and you can get a prestigious award for getting the most clicks on your post!
Did you already sign up on our Meet and Greet?

Monthly Round-Up for DECEMBER!

Add your best Catholic posts here and please link back to Catholic Bloggers Network
Blog Round-Up. You can take our button below!
Please link back to this page in your post to spread the word about the
Catholic Bloggers Network Monthly Round Up!
Let’s get the biggest response yet for September posts!

Check out the Monthly Blog Round-Up Archives for previous posts!

Catholic Bloggers Big Clicks Award announced at the end of the month!
Check out the Big Clicks Awards for NOVEMBER!

Please kindly post a Catholic Bloggers Monthly Round-Up button (you will find the code below) on your blog to lead others to this page.
IF POSSIBLE, mention in your linked posts that you are linking up at the
Catholic Bloggers Monthly Round-Up
(and please include the Round-Up link.)

Readings and Reflections


Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers for JULY!

These are the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers for the month of  JULY!
Spread the word!! Let your friends know about these popular posts on the Catholic Bloggers Network and help promote Catholic Bloggers!
The new Monthly Round-Up for the AUGUST is up and running!
Make sure that you add your posts and visit often!!
You can also always revisit our Archives!

isn’t that a cool button?
Feel free to post it as a badge on your blog
…especially if you are one of our first Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers below
and have been awarded this prestigious award!
Announcing the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers!!
In the category of…

Readings and Reflections, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:

The Breadbox Letters for the post
Liturgical Calendar Crafts and Homeschooling,
theTHREE tied  Big Clicks Catholic Blogger are:
The Kennedy Adventures for the post
St Elizabeth of Portugal

Our Catholic Homeschool for the post
Are you Catholic enough?

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in the Works for the post
Dyslexia, another Curveball in Homeschooling

Catechism and Apologetics, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers are

Grace4U for the post
Devotion for today  (This seems to be the home address…please link up individual posts. Thanks!)

The Cloistered Heart for the post
Full Truth and Nothing But…

Catholic Family Journal, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is
8 Kids and a Business for the post
Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy

Catholic Review, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is
Equipping Catholic Families for the post
Catholic Review Panel for Arma Dei

Random, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is
The Cloistered Heart for the ost
Just what IS a Cloistered Heart?

Happy March! Monthly Blog Round Ups are open!

Hi everyone!
Just wanted to announce that the Monthly Round-Up has been opened for the month of March!
Link up your March blog posts in any of the FOUR different categories:  Readings & Reflections, Liturgical Calendar Crafts & Homeschooling, Catechism & Apologetics, Catholic Family Journal.

Grab a button and link to this page to show off our Catholic Bloggers posts!  Let’s see if we can get a record number of links for each category for the month of March!
Check out the Monthly Round-Up Archives for our previous Monthly Round-Ups.
Leave a comment if you have a suggestion for a new category.