“Could you not watch one hour with me?” Jesus asked His disciples (MT. 26:40). On Good Friday, our hearts and minds turn towards the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus began to suffer for us. He was abandoned by those who loved Him, even after pleading with them 3 times to watch and pray with Him. We hear the call on this holy day. We go to venerate the Cross. We watch “Jesus of Nazareth.” We read the account of the Passion. We take time to pray.
But what about the rest of the year? Do you abandon Jesus as soon as Easter Sunday is over? Is daily prayer low on your list of priorities? Are you “too busy” to spend time with the One who suffered and died for you?
Resolve today to commit (or re-commit) yourself to prayer. You may not be able to watch for one hour, but how about half an hour? If that’s too much to start with, try 15 minutes. Read from a book of meditations. Gaze at a holy picture that fills your heart with love for God. Think of all Christ did for you and thank Him for it.
Make a habit of prayer. You won’t be sorry you did. It will change your life.
See also Why should you pray? and 7 Ways to make time for prayer