NEW Craft Kits of the SAINTS!

I’m so excited to announce the release of the Saint Scripts Cathletics Craft Kits over at Equipping Catholic Families!

It has taken me a long time to compile these craft kits, but so worth it!…especially with the Saint pictures created by my 15 year old daughter Kelly!

These Saint Scripts Cathletics Craft Kits are available as comprehensive PDF craft kits you can print at home! Each kit contains full color cards plus black and white templates of 21 Saints!

Saint Scripts Series ONE contains the full color recipe cards plus blank templates with coloring picture for these Saints: St Andre, St Anthony, St Catherine, St Clare, St Dominic, St Faustina, St Francis, St John, St Jude, St Nicholas, St Pio, St Patrick, St Paul, St Peter, St Raphael, St Rita, Bl Teresa, St Therese, St Vincent AND Jesus


Saint Scripts Series TWO contains the full color recipe cards plus blank templates with coloring picture for these Saints:  St Agnes, St Anne, St Augustine, St Benedict, St Bernadette, St Cecilia, St Gabriel, St George, St Gerard, St Gianna, St Joan, Bl John Paul II, St Joseph, St Juan, St Kateri, St Lucy, St Maria, St Maximilian, St Michael, St Monica AND Blessed Virgin Mary

I think that they will be great for primary grades (matching game, simple facts, coloring), middle school (more in-depth research) and older grades (they can swap out the cartoon drawings in favor of their own drawings or classic prayer cards, but still refer to the info) and families (Saint projects, Saint Timeline, Saint Day celebrations, fridge calendar)

Check the kits out here: Saint Scripts Cathletics Craft Kits
If you want to share this link on your favorite social media…you could enter to win a FREE PDF! Just leave a comment here (or on our facebook page and tell us where you shared the link with your friends!

Shining Light Dolls GIVEAWAY!

Wouldn’t you love to have a couple of these Mother Mary dolls to give to your kids, your Godchildren, your favorite First Holy Communicant?

There is a GIVEAWAY at Equipping Catholic Families…and you can be one of FOUR WINNERS to win their choice of TWO Shining Saint Dolls!

Enter the Shining Light Dolls GIVEAWAY at Equipping Catholic Families!
Contest closes October 19, 2013!

Guess Who?! Cardinals Edition FREE printable available!

Check out
Guess Who?! Cardinals Edition!
to convert to Catholic your family game of Guess Who?!
and familiarize yourself with the faces of the Cardinals
…one of them just might be our next Pope!

We do not pretend to know 
exactly who will be most seriously 
considered for the papacy…
That’s up to the Holy Spirit-GUIDED 
Conclave of Cardinals!

but YOU can quickly get familiar with the faces, names and flags of these Cardinals!  

Make sure that you subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families or “like” our Arma Dei facebook page
to receive any revisions as soon as they are available!*

The kit will likely be revised or expanded 
as the Conclave gets underway!


I am a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts!

Lot's of Links for February Feast Days!!

I pulled together a huge number of arts, crafts and activities for Candlemas/the Presentation of our Lord, Our Lady of Lourdes Feast day, and St. Valentine’s Day. Come take a look and see if you find anything that you’d like to do with your kids to celebrate these holy days!
Here is the link to the Presentation/Candlemas crafts and activities. 
There’s lots of coloring pages, too!
Our Lady of Lourdes feast is on Feb. 11
You might like to take a look at these crafts and activities.
Celebrate Saint Valentines’s feast day before Lent starts!
Here is loads of Catholic printables for you and you kids!

Jennifer, is a wife and a mom of 9 kids (ages 14 -1) She spends her days homeschooling in PA. Whenever time allows, she blogs about the Catholic activities she creates with her kids. She likes to make all things fun with hands-on activities!  
Visit her at Catholic Inspired for more fun arts, crafts and activities, which are inspired by our Catholic faith! 

Plinko with the Happy Saints!

This converted to Catholic classic game has been renamed!
Please check out Plunk! with the Saints!
for 10 ways to use this printable and the tutorial for how to make the game!

Does anyone remember Plinko? It was on The Price is Right…which began in 1956, was revamped in 1972, hosted by Bob Barker and since 2007, is now hosted by Drew Carey. Plinko was a cool game where these little disks are dropped at the top of a steep platform with little pegs.  Depending on which path the disk zigzags down, money was won by which exit route the disk took. It looked like this:

Look at that pink carpet!
How about playing PLUNK! to learn about the SAINTS?

I’ve had my eye on the little Happy Saints for a while and now that I finished my Happy Saints Tokens Tutorial, (adding these awesome Saint images to poker chips) I present…Plinko with the Saints!

I ended up making the PLUNK! with the SAINTS game with an empty picture frame and double suction cups from the dollar store.      
I also put a few little graphics together for my PLUNK! PRINTABLE that you will also find in my PLUNK! tutoriall at Equipping Catholic Families. This printable does not include the awesome Happy Saints, but it does have a cool Saint Token Template that I think you will find helpful for other Saint crafts and activities as well! 

Monica is a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter who thinks it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts!

Year of Faith and October Saints Link-Ups and Resources

Join us at Equipping Catholic Families for the first ever Year of Faith Link Up!  Add your reflections, activities, Catechism teaching strategies and other Year of Faith posts here and help us build an awesome resource!

Do you have activities, crafts, celebrations or reflections on any of the awesome OCTOBER saints?
Please link your ideas at Cele-LINKY with the SAINTS: OCTOBER
and check out the ideas of other Catholic Bloggers!
Watch for a Cele-LINKY: ALL SAINTS Edition coming soon at Equipping Catholic Families.
Monica is a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter who thinks it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts!

Painted Wooden Saints…with a Purpose!

Over at Equipping Catholic Families, I have been looking for ways to
convert secular activities and board games to be Catholic! 

After finally painting little wooden peg dolls, I have found all kinds of ways to introduce them into family activities, integrating both family members and favorite patron saints!

A favorite is our Saints-2-Go travel pack! 
I think that these will be handy in our travels!
We’ve used the little characters in our favorite board games,
further integrating our favorite patron saints into our cast of family characters.
The possibilities are endless! 
More converted-2-Catholic Board Games

I am a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centred crafts!

Crafts to make in August

The Passion of John the Baptist {Aug. 29}

Passion of John the Baptist {Aug. 29}

{Aug. 6}

St Jane Frances de Chantal
“Love of Neighbor” {Aug 12}

{Aug. 10}

Jesus is in the Eucharist! Straight Line Art Project

St. Clare of Assisi

{Aug. 11}

St. Clare of Assisi
{Aug. 11}
Mary’s Heavenly Altar
 See how to create this grotto.

Assumption {Aug. 15}

July Saints!

Check out this DIY photo-collage technique with a home scanner!
Watch for a special Catholic I Spy Link-Up and Contest available soon hosted by Jennifer at Crafolic and Monica at Equipping Catholic Families.
Link up your favorite SAINTS posts at the
CeleLINKY with the SAINTS!  
Lots of room in July….and April and June!!

Crafts and Activities for the Month of July! {Plus, a Link-up}-

Here are a few posts you might like for July:
 and a play
(July 14)
St. Anne and Baby Mary 
for Sts. Anne and Joachim 
(July 26)
and a St. Simon Stock play.
(July 16) 
Ocean in a bottle Craft
AKA: Stella Maris
Learn more at Wikipedia

You also might like to join in myLINK-UP PARTY!See and share your faith-centered home posts with us! ~ Catholic Crafts and more!
God Bless,~Jennifer