Super Saints:Kid-magnet quizzing cards and a #Giveaway chock full of Saints!

tiny saints super saints giveawayAnnouncing the #SuperSaints #TinySaints #Giveaway! There is still time to enter for your chance to win $100 in SAINTS prizes! Check out the Giveaway over at Equipping Catholic Families

The #Giveaway ends August 20th at 11pm!

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The #Giveaway celebrates the release of the Super Saints Cathletics Craft Kit available only at Equipping Catholic Families! It includes ALL 54 Saints cards featuring Kelly Saints and quick fun, quantifiable and comparable facts! Play  Super Saints Showdown (Top Trumps), Super Saints Stats, Memory or Go Fish! with your own sets of cards, printable at home or at your friendly Staples.

Holding out for the Ready-to-Play printed decks?

Check out our Project: Super Saints and consider helping us get these printed in time for World Meeting of Families! We appreciate it!

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Check out our own Super Saints Video with a Behind-the-Scenes look at the creation of these cards with the help of our own in-house artist, 16 year old Kelly!