I have two kiddos receiving their First Penance and First Communion this year! (Plus one receiving her Confirmation! It’s a busy year!) My 4th and 5th born were blessed to receive First Confesstion this past Saturday! It was a wonderful time! While Joshua (age 9) just went through the ceremony and into the confessional like an old pro, Elizabeth (age 8) needed a lot of sweet talking and hugs to calm her fears, but she came skipping out of the confessional with a grin on her face that just beamed and stretched for one ear to the other!!
So for a special treat I made white cupcakes with white icing to symbolize their clean souls! I added a topper to each cupcake like this:
Stickers for the kids who have received Reconciliation could be nice for any age! Teachers could give them to the kids who choose to go to confession in the time allowed during school! Perhaps his could add a bit of “advertising” to the other kids who choose not to go?!?! 😉
To read more or for the link to the free printable click here
What a cute idea. My son made his First Penance this past Saturday too. He was very much like your daughter. A little nervous before going in, but came out with a glow!
He picked cheescake for his celebration desert.