Check out Equipping Catholic Families for a unique gift for Confirmation, Holy Communion, Reconciliation or Baptism!
Know any parents or Godparents who might be scrambling to get that Sacrament gift for their child or Godchild receiving their First Holy Communion or Confirmation?
Rosaries, bibles and prayerbooks are always appropriate, but sometimes fearing duplicates, we resort to cash…or a video game.
This is a unique Catholic Faith Journal teaching and celebrating the seven Sacraments and the Catholic Faith.
Part One of Hand in Hand with Jesus traces all 7 Sacraments.
Part Two “Heart to Heart with Jesus” offers reflections
about maturing prayerlife and relationship with Jesus.
Plenty of family, Faith and life reflections throughout!
Do you know anyone making their First Holy Communion?
Help them celebrate their Catholic Journey of Faith!
Order SOON…we ship from Canada!
Great Baptism present as well!
Wanted: Catholic Blogger in the U.S.
interested in mailing out single orders of Hand in hand with Jesus within the U.S.
Earn a commission for each trip to the post office.
Email mmcconkey{at}rogers{dot}com if interested
…and let me know what city/state you live in.
Also offering fundraiser programs for Catholic groups.
Earn money for your group with solid Catholic products!