Looking for a blog critique?

Our special Catholic Bloggers Network Blog Academy page has been transformed to a new page: Blog Help!
We will be accepting helpful guest posts from tech-savy Catholic Bloggers as well as showcasing awesome blog resources discovered and recommended to us.

To kick off this new feature…we present the Do-It-Yourself Blog Critique e-book!

This is a great 58-page resource…to help you look at your blog objectively… and make it better!
Do you want more subscribers?
Do you want new page visits to turn into long-time returning visits and loyal followers?
Do you wonder what your blog is missing…what could catapult it into the big blog league?
The Catholic Bloggers Network is an affiliate of Momcomm.com and any commissions received by your purchase of this awesome e-book will help to cover the basic maintenance of the
Catholic Bloggers Network website.
The Do-It-Yourself Blog Critique guides you through a comprehensive examination of your blog, addressing your blogging goals, design including fonts and photos and layout, navigation, functionality and content.
It’s only $14 and will help you take care of the basics…and beyond!
Book Cover Image for Blog Design For Dummies 
Melissa Culbertson is the author of the newly released Blog Design for Dummies.
(1)Anyone interested in joining a Blog Critique Panel here at the Catholic Bloggers Network?
(2)Looking for an honest, helpful and encouraging critique of YOUR blog?
(3) Have any tech-savy posts to share with advice for Catholic Bloggers?
Join up for the Blog Critique Panel (1)
or add your request for a blog critique (2)
or send a link of a tech-savy post on blogging (3) 
in the comments!

Monica is a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter who thinks it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centered crafts!

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