Have we got your attention yet…over at the NEW Catholic Bloggers Network?

Has our WHOLE NEW LOOK at the Catholic Bloggers Network got your attention? We have lots of exciting news to come…including awesome new features and opportunities for Catholic Bloggers, new and inventive ways to promote YOUR Catholic Blog and a new venue to gather a wonderful community of Catholic Blogger friends! Skip around our site…

make sure that your blog is linked up on our Catholic Blogroll (we’ve been doing some weeding…check and make sure that your current Catholic blog is linked properly!)
confirm your interest in being an Official Contributor by filling out the NEW Catholic Bloggers Contributor Form
click out our TOPIC badges…for posts written just for you! We have the Archives linked to these categories: Readings and Reflections, Catechism and Apologetics, Homeschooling, Liturgical CalendarCatholic Family Journal and Catholic Product Reviews.
Look forward to the Catholic Bloggers Spotlight feature…that we hope will return soon! (Looking for a Catholic Blogger who likes to interview Catholic Bloggers)
Watch for the NEW Bulletin Board to post requests and offers for TECH help, Guest Posts and important Events (like our current Plea: Support the Lenaburgs!)
Continue to share your BEST Catholic posts at the Monthly Link Up Blitz! September is up and running… LINK your posts; DISCOVER and COMMENT on awesome posts;  SHARE inspiring posts
and since we have combined 4 Contributor blogs into the main Catholic Bloggers Network blog: please make sure that you are subscribed by your favorite feed…or by email!

Can we make it any easier?


Watch for additional UPDATES…in fact, you may receive an INFO email about all the changes, in the next day or two.  We will also be posting on Facebook through our
Catholic Bloggers Facebook Group
and Catholic Bloggers Facebook Page.

Please COMMENT, so that we know you’re still out there blogging!

Please share the Catholic Bloggers Network with friends and family in your social network.

Thanks and God bless!

Monica, Chris and Jennifer
Admins of the NEW Catholic Bloggers Network!

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