Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers for JUNE!

These are the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers  for the month of  JUNE!
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isn’t that a cool button? 
Feel free to post it as a badge on your blog 
…especially if you are one of our first Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers below 
and have been awarded this prestigious award!

Announcing the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers!!
In the category of…

Readings and Reflections, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:

The Cloistered Heart for the post
Liturgical Calendar Crafts and Homeschooling, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is
Tercets for the post
Corpus Christ Monstrance Activity

Catechism and Apologetics, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is

Aquinas, Car Keys and Dirty Socks  for the post  
Catholic Family Journal, the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is

A Life-size Catholic Blog for the post 
Catholic Review, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is

Equipping Catholic Families for highlighting the review by Happy Little Homemakers in the post  
Review of Journey with Jesus through the Sacraments

and our brand NEW category:
Random, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is
The Breadbox Letters for the post
Want to be a Saint? 

4 thoughts on “Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers for JUNE!

  1. Wow! How great to be one of the Big Clicks honorees. This network is a wonderful place to connect and share with each other and I appreciate all the work that goes into keeping it running smoothly. Thanks you very much…

    What a blessing!

  2. Thank you so much! I second the comment of Holly (above) that this network is a wonderful place to connect and share with other Catholics. I love visiting the various blogs… it's like opening a treasure chest. Thank you for all you do!

  3. Thank you for the opportunity to share links and learn from other blogs. I appreciate the opportunity to link up by category, so thank you for adding the random category. I am honored to be recognized among the many blogs that link every month.

  4. Amada Virgen de san Juan de los lagos, cuidanos de todo mal, acompáñanos en nuestra vida y liberanos de todo tipo de pecado. Por favor pide por mi para que sea elegida para el programa de enfermería en la lotería que viene en Septiembre! Por favor ayuda a que esta familia pueda pagar todas sus deudas. Ayuda a mi hermano y cuñado seguir por buen camino. Que mi pareja pueda recibir el trabajo deseado y pueda vender su vehículo. Por favor ayuda a mi mama y su hermano. Aliviana a mi madre y abuela con su salud. Ayuda a mi hermana con sus estudios. Liberanos de cualquier mal que este cerca. Doy gracias a dios y a la virgen de los lagos por el favor concebido.

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