Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers: DECEMBER!

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The new Monthly Round-Up for JANUARY will be up and running on January 1st! Make sure that you add your posts and visit often!!
You can also always revisit our Archives!

Announcing the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers!!
In the category of…

Readings and Reflections,
the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:
Felix at Fifty for the post
Prepare Ye the Way: An Advent Reflection

Liturgical Calendar Crafts and Homeschooling,
the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:

Learning and Growing the Piwi Way for the post
Our Faith and Fun Filled 2012 Advent Plan

Catechism and Apologetics,
the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers are

JOY for the post
The Communion of Saints

From the Back of the Church for the post
The December Misunderstandings

Catholic Family Journal,
the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers are

Joy for the post
Remembering Life in the Womb

and The Breadbox Letters for the post
There’s Angels there!

Catholic Review,

the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers is

Prints of Grace for the post
Style, Sex & Substance

Random, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers are

The Cloistered Heart for the post
The Advent Window
Joy for the post

Don’t forget to link up to our Monthly Round-Up for the JANUARY 2013 and keep clicking to discover other great Catholic posts and awesome Catholic blogs!

Tell your subscribers about the Catholic Bloggers Network and help us increase traffic and promote all these awesome blogs! We have 405 awesome Catholic blogs linked up so far!

Check out our Catholic Bloggers Spotlight! and get to know our Catholic Bloggers!

Monica is a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter who thinks it’s cool to be Catholic! Check out the Arma Dei Shoppe for solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith and subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families for family-building and Faith-centered crafts!

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