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The new Monthly Round-Up for JANUARY will be up and running on January 1st! Make sure that you add your posts and visit often!!
You can also always revisit our Archives!
the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:
Felix at Fifty for the post
Prepare Ye the Way: An Advent Reflection
the Big Clicks Catholic Blogger is:
Learning and Growing the Piwi Way for the post
Our Faith and Fun Filled 2012 Advent Plan
Catechism and Apologetics,
the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers are
JOY for the post
The Communion of Saints
From the Back of the Church for the post
The December Misunderstandings
the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers are
Joy for the post
Remembering Life in the Womb
and The Breadbox Letters for the post
There’s Angels there!
Catholic Review,
Prints of Grace for the post
Style, Sex & Substance
Random, the Big Clicks Catholic Bloggers are
The Cloistered Heart for the post
The Advent Window
Joy for the post
Don’t forget to link up to our Monthly Round-Up for the JANUARY 2013 and keep clicking to discover other great Catholic posts and awesome Catholic blogs!
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I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, but we just started a Marian Monday link up today for anyone who wants to join. http://ow.ly/grJ4Y Just wanted to share and invited anyone who wanted to share their Marian devotion!
I'm not sure often you update your links, but perusing them I didn't see mine. The title is Καθολικός διάκονος , but you can list it under my name Deacon Scott Dodge. I love my Padre Pio button, btw!