How does one actually “practice zeal?” Can it be practiced, or is it something to possess? Once you have it, what do you do with it? Read more…
Author: Virginia Lieto
You can find Virginia blogging about the virtues at Virginia has a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Theology. She is an adjunct professor of Theology at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine. Virginia is the author of a children's book titled, "Adventures of Faith, Hope and Charity - Finding Patience." Virginia is also a public speaker on the Catholic faith. She lives in Harrisburg, NC with her husband Nick.
Why Embrace Zeal Today?
Why is it in your best interest to embrace zeal? Why should you have such an intense interest and passion about God and your faith? To embrace zeal is to take that intense interest and passion for God and faith, and act upon your strong desire to please God, based upon knowledge of what is true, tempered with love and humility. – Read more…
What is Zeal?
What is zeal? Are you seen as being “crazy” if you are zealous about your faith? Or are you a saint, living a Christ-like life? How would you prefer to be perceived? Read more…
Get Wisdom and Change the World!
How do you get Wisdom? How would the gift of Wisdom change how you will act in this world? How could it make you more virtuous? Read more…
Why Should You Choose Wisdom?
Why would you want to choose Wisdom? Well, do you want to know God better? What better way than to see the world through God’s eyes? Read more…