Secrets to a Happy Marriage

love-163690_1280marriagewmTomorrow my husband and I celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary. It hasn’t always been a smooth ride but I can honestly say that I am truly blessed to have had Michael as my husband. Therefore, although I do not consider myself an expert or anything, I thought I would share our “secrets” for a happy marriage. Of course, these aren’t really secrets at all, but they have helped us through the ups and downs that inevitably all couples face…Continue reading

August Saint Days and Feasts

(I am really excited to FINALLY get back into being a regular contributor here at Catholic Bloggers Network!)


As Cathoics, we are truly blessed to have the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints in heaven who pray for us. It is good for us to honor them and to ask for their intercession; therefore, in order to help you do so, I have put together a list of the saints and feasts in August….continue reading