Gosh, I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve shared here. I never meant to NOT blog for so long but life took some very unexpected twists and turns. My husband has been very sick, and other things have happened. Therefore, there were things that had to be pushed to the back burner and sharing here was one of those things. (…Continue Reading…)
Author: Carol D'Annunzio
The Gift of Confession
You see, I love going to confession. Besides the Eucharist, Confession is my favorite sacrament. (Crazy, I know!) Don’t get me wrong, I still get nervous sometimes when I go to confession. I sometimes think I don’t have anything to say. And yes, I often confess the same things over again. But that’s okay!…Read More…
Meatless Meals for Lent
We are more than half way through Lent! Are you finding it challenging trying to come up with meatless meals each Friday of Lent that doesn’t consist of fish or pizza? It can sometimes be a struggle, especially, if you are like our our family, and don’t eat meat on any Friday of the year. So, to spark some ideas for you here’s a small list…continue reading…
Scripture Verses for Lent
We are winding up the first week Lent, and as I’ve said many times before, one of the best things we can do is read God’s word. One of the best ways to do this is to pray the scriptures that are given to us at Mass. The Liturgy is wrought with meaningful verses to encourage us to deepen our understanding of the Lord’s sacrifice, to open and convert out hearts and renew our commitment to the Lord…Continue Reading…
Choosing Our Behaviors
I have a confession to make: I can be pretty impatient at times. I pride myself (therein lies the real problem!) as being very efficient, which can be a definite plus until I take it too far. That’s why I call myself a recovering perfectionist. {wry smile} It’s very easy for me to get caught up in making everything “just so” that I sometimes forget the purpose behind what I am doing. … (Continue reading…)
Happy New Year!
Top 10 Christmas Songs
I know it is still Advent, but aren’t you just loving all the wonderful Christmas music? I am! I love them all, but there are some that I can listen to over and over and never tire listening to them. For fun, I thought I would share a few of them…continue reading…
The Immaculate Conception of Mary
December 8 is the glorious solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. It is a day that all Catholics should celebrate
with joy and thanksgiving because this amazing gift to Mary is also a gift for us!
What is the purpose of the Solemnity?…(continue reading)
How to Keep Advent Meaningful
In the past, I was overzealous with my Advent plans. I would make all sorts of resolutions and added all these prayers and activities; but, instead of making Advent meaningful for me, they left me drained or guilty for not doing all the things I had planned to do. Indeed, these activities became just one more thing to be done before Christmas…Continue Reading…
Saint Andrew Christmas Novena Starts Today!
I am so excited! Today marks the first day of the Saint Andrew Christmas novena! Today is the feast of Saint Andrew, a wonderful and powerful saint. He was a great Apostle and missionary of the Lord. He is mentioned several times in the gospel….Continue reading….