Attention: Catholic Blogger Contributors!

Welcome to the Catholic Bloggers Network!
Many of you have already joined and are participating in the new Catholic Bloggers Network on facebook and on the Catholic Bloggers Network blog.  We just wanted to let you know that we are now opening up the Catholic Bloggers Contributors pages.  If you would like to be a regular contributor to these pages, please respond with comments on this post (mentioning your Catholic blog address, your email address and which category you would like to contribute in).
Please keep in mind:
1. Try to limit your posts to one category.  (No repeat posts across multiple categories)
2. We may end up creating a posting schedule if there are many contributors in one category, so that everyone gets some time in the spotlight. In any case, please post only ONE post at a time…and unless you post about DAILY Scripture readings…please only post once or twice a week.

3. As a courtesy to the other contributors…please shorten ridiculously long posts =)…so that previous posts are still visible on the page.  If we get many posts each day, we may need to consider partial feeds which would automatically shorten everyone’s posts. 
Remember…you can always include a “read the entire post here” and a link.

4. We would like you to have a small blog button or portrait at the end of your post, with a brief introduction of you and your Catholic blog.  Please feel free to link back to your blog to increase traffic on your site!  We hope to create a standard template for the introduction…we will keep you posted!
5.  We would also like all Contributors to have at least one Catholic Bloggers Network button on their blogs, linking back to our Catholic Bloggers Network .   Help us spread the word! 
These are the different Catholic Bloggers Contributors pages:
Don’t forget to Link your Blog and check out all the Catholic Link-Up parties
or add your favorite Catholic post for the week at our Weekly Round Up.
Looking forward to blogging with you at the Catholic Bloggers Network!

Catholic Bloggers Network

If you are a contributor and would like to add a button to your blog, here it is!

3 thoughts on “Attention: Catholic Blogger Contributors!

  1. I have just found this site and would be happy to write in the homeschooling category. mmstangerbus (at) comcast (dot) net

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