Welcome to the Contibutor Pages!
If you would like to be a regular contributor to these pages, please respond with comments on this post mentioning your Catholic blog address and your email address.
For the time being, we have decided not to create a schedule for posting.
To give everyone a chance to post, here are a few guidelines:
1. Be brief! We are happy to help you increase traffic on your site! Please post only 1-2 photos and a brief summary of your post, with a link to your complete blog post.
You can include the following: “Read the entire story at {hyperlinked blogname}”
(The hyperlink should be the address of the full post on your blog, not the general blog address that links to your home page.)
With shorter entries, readers can skim through many more posts on the one Contributor page and will refer to individual blogs for more information…increasing traffic to your site!
2. Please post only ONCE a week in your category* to give others a chance! We plan to have special link-ups on specific Feastdays, so that everyone can share their Feastday posts, particularly on the Homeschooling, Crafts, Traditions and the Liturgical Calendar contributor page.
*If your category is Catechism/Apologetics or Scripture, Sunday Readings and Homilies, you can probably link more often, as there are fewer contributors in these categories.
3. Please have at least one clearly visible Catholic Bloggers Network button on the home page of your blog. If you’d like to include a link at the end of the post on your blog, we’d appreciate that too!
4. Try to include a signature biography with a photo (or blog button).
Until we figure out how to make a template for these, this is mine.
I’m Monica and I am a wife, a Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic! My husband and I founded a Catholic apostolate called Arma Dei (Armor of God; Ephesians 6:13-17) creating solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith. I like to post about these family-building and Faith-centred crafts on EquippingCatholicFamilies.com !
I would love to join as a contributor! Though I'm not entirely sure exactly where our blog would fit in as is (probably some older posts), I have been working hard on increasing the Catholic content.
I blog at http://www.workandplaydaybyday.com
I remember when the CBN was in its very infancy and I joined at that time but haven't been involved as much recently. I like all the changes and updates 🙂